SD and mobility work


So I'm returning to HST with a cluster variant that AlexAustralia dreamed up for me and I'm excited to see the strength gains I'll make (as my primary goal is strength, but I know that muscle plays a big part in that).

Now I've been on SD since my last session on the 11th. I want my SD to be 9 days. However, on Friday (the 12th), I PNF'd my hip flexors, stretched out my hamstrings, and restarted a rehab program on my crummy ankle via a resistance band to get it stronger.

I soon realized that this might compromise my SD, so I went searching, and I found a couple of threads here from 2003-2006 where the consensus was that one shouldn't even stretch during SD because stretching would create RBE.

Now the loads I'll be working with when I start the cycle will be heavy - a couple of notches under my 5RM. So with that, would the loads I put my lower body through with stretching be high enough to affect gains as to the higher loads I'll be starting with? I also haven't SDed since Janurary-ish since I have been doing Madcow 5x5 and decided to deload most times.

So can I keep doing mobility work? If not, should I extend out my SD? I don't want to SD for too long because I don't want to lose strength when I'm starting at such high weights at the start of the cycle.
Mild stretching is fine.

Furthermore, your ankle mobility work is hardly hitting any of the muscles your weights are using.

Don't overthink it.