SD before first cycle of HST


New Member
I am gonna do my first cycle of HST. Trainingdays will be Sundays tuesdays and thursdays, in that order so the 6th day of training will be on a thursday.

Last time i trained were last saturday (27th aug) when I established my last rm's.
So my question is if these seven days of SD'ing (saturday to sunday) is enough? Or should I begin next sunday, after 14 days SD? Have been searching for the answer but don't really get how it is with the SD before the first cycle. Happy for answers because if it don't matter I'm ready to rock the gym as soon as possible!!:)

/ Dizzle.
Maybe my english is a little bad so I may have misunderstood you, but i have been training for like 4,5 years and at some periods pretty serious.
Have been training a super abriviated routine from beyond brawn this summer because of work etc with good results.
So this is my first HST cycle, but not the first time I will be hitting the weights. Just wanted you to know that if your answer would be different because I thought you said it would be ok if I haven't been training a lot before. Im sorry if I have misunderstood you:)
Wait the seven days and if your highly motivated to get in the gym i'd say your central nervous system has recovered enough and you'll be fine to start. However, if you feel you could wait another week, it certainly won't hurt at all. The one - two weeks SD is more of a guideline rather then a rule. So just make your decision based on how you feel and you'll be good to go.
I'm extremely motivated, that's why I started this thread instead of waiting one more week and be on the "safe side" ha ha:)

thank you so much for the answers!