SD & Cycle Question


New Member
Hey guys. I'm new to HST.

A bit about me:
A week ago, I was displeased with my current state of muscle during my cut.
My muscles looked soft and I felt like I wasn't making any progress cut-wise or muscle-wise. Whether this was due to the improper gymbrogohard6daysaweek training I was doing with a ridiculous amount of sets hitting my muscles from "different angles" or because I was in a caloric deficit, I wasn't sure.

Anyways, I decided that I would do 1 bulking cycle of HST for 6 six weeks and see how it went from there. A lot of people seemed to like HST and the more read about it, the better it sounded.

Last week, I tested all my maxes as suggested per the HST Book. This week, I'm supposed to start my SD.

Problem is, I was just alerted by my family that they want to go on a vacation with me to Mexico from 6/10 to 6/17. Exactly a week. Now, this seems like the IDEAL time to start my SD. No need to work out and seek a gym during this time and just relax as opposed to doing my SD this week.

I'm not really sure what to do another program? Stick with HST but in a modified manner?

I really appreciate any help I can get. Thank you so much5

FYI my bulking plan is to have 3 high-carb days, 4 low-carb days as per carb cycling. Low-carb days, I hit maintenance calories and high-carb days I go 20% over maint cals.
(I know, it's the daily/weekly macronutrient goals that affect body composition the most but on a day-to-day aesthetic basis, my face looks really bloated if I eat carbs and don't exercise.)

During my SD, I was planning on having a low-carb week with maintenance calories.
On track practice, I would up my calories by a bit and carbs by a smidgen but the week is still primarily high-fat.
Protein doesn't change no matter what.
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Tough call!

Personally, given your gung ho history, I would recommend that you SD this week and then do a 3 week cycle of HST (15,10,5) and then SD again during the vacation. I mentally visualize as you as over worked (hence the smooth look) so an extra week off can't hurt. Going 4 more weeks without any rest will likely result in zero gains anyway.

However, I am sure others have some ideas as well.
It sounds like your training and diet were both off in the wrong direction.
I would suggest you SD, and use the time off to do a bunch of searching and reading here, and learn as much as you can about proper scientific training and dieting. The right knowledge and programming in both diet and training will make a world of difference.
Haha thanks dude that's exactly what I'm planning on doing! (the reading part that is at least)

I'm kind of at a crossroads right now with the upcoming vacation and the potential SD there. Do you have any advice on what I should do? Should I still adhere to HST training principles somehow? Do I do some modified HST until the vacation? Do I do some OTHER program (heaven forbid the thought) until the vacation?

Ah, I see Hark that I miscounted the weeks until the start of your vacation. My bad. You also PMed me that you felt and looked a bit more rested from your week of finding your maxes. In that case I would just a 3 week cycle of HST with 1 week of 15's, 1 week of 10's and 1 week of 5's. Just do a normal HST program using basic compound exercises and use larger increments throughout the week to hit your max on the last workout of each week. In other words, use the same range of weight you would use as if you were cycling reps over 6 workouts in 2 weeks but do it in 3 workouts in 1 week.

An alternative that could be even better would be to workout at your maxes HST style this week (15 for one day, 10 for one day and 5 for the last day) and then take a 3 week SD. I do a 3 week SD in the winter once per year to really decondition my muscles but it hard to do since your ego is saying "no pain, no gain". However, you need to be a real experienced believer in HST and SD before your mind allows you to do this.

Whatever you do, you can't screw things up in 3 weeks anyway. Just get that full SD in on your vacation.

Happy lifting.

O&G :cool:
Hey O&G, thanks for the great advice!

Yeah, although HST sounds great, I don't think I'm devout enough to let my body rest for 3 weeks. I thought this week was going to be my SD and so, I only haven't worked out for...3 days and I'm feeling like a phatty. Although I look more shredded than I ever have been for the last few months o_O
I'm not sure if I was overworking my muscles or if it's the lack of water retention that are causing my muscles to pop (especially my abs) more than normal. I am on a low-carb diet atm, getting around 75 carbs @ 150 lbs BW.

O&G, do most HSTers eat high-carb, low-fat? Or do you know some that go by Paleo/Primal/Keto/CKD/AD principles?
I do not follow a specific diet although I certainly would if I were a young competitor. I simply prioritize the quality of:

Good Fats
Complex Carbs

and eat as few simple carbs and bad fats as possible while still enjoying my food.

No supplements, especially no protein powder, other than creatine occasionally and a multiple vitamin daily.

I am not the best guy to ask about diets! :cool: