SD done before maxes found. oops!


New Member
i just had my tonsils out and havent been eating or drinking much for the past week and a half. Also no working out. I dont know myu maxes but want to start HST. But i dont want to spend 2 more weeks away from the fym when i just did. Is there another way about this or so i really need SD since i kinda already did? PLEASE HELP
If you really have no idea what your maxes are, even by means of mathematical calculation based on, say, a previous RM, then I would suggest hitting the gym for a few weeks to get back into some sort of condition, then do a week of determining your maxes, then SD, then start the program.

Unless you have some sort of date specific requirement, meaning some sort of competition where it REALLY matters, a few weeks spent doing this is not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.