SD pahse


New Member
I mean I get the theory, I just have a hard time purposely taking off 2 weeks, when life always forces the trainee to take breaks in his training.  I mean after 10 years of training, Im really tuning in to my limits and recovery and its very closely linked with stresses outside the gym.  You cant really plan for them, you must make allowances.  Just like if you are overtraining, allowances must be made.  That being said, after 8 weeks of HST and if Im feeling charged, I think I would be heart broken to stategically stop training. UNless you are independently whealthy with few outside distractions, how can anyone disagree with these random bouts of "LIFE". SOOO... has anyone just worked through an SD phase and contiued another cycle? Results?
I just started my second cycle. I felt the same as you at the end of week 8 of cycle #1. I was feeling good, strong, injury free, bigger than ever .... but I did the 9 day SD anyway.

The break in the routine was actually a bit disorienting. I did not use it to my advantage and I just wanted to get back to the gym.

This morning was my first workout of cycle #2. Weights and reps that I would have snickered at just a week ago were a good solid workout.

I think this is part of the idea behind HST. By deconditioning you can encourage growth with efforts that without SD would not promote any gains.

There are many here who have been doing this for a long time. I'm sure that they will chime in with more experienced replies.
Then don't SD until either

1. You can not further increases the load after a few workouts.
2. You stop gaining any weight.
3. Your joints are begging for forgiveness.
4. You simply are burnt out and need a break.