SD anyone?

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I've got a problem with my hst cycle. You see, i have trained for years with heavy weights(5RM-10RM). In the past year, I even trained same bodyparts every day! Now I think that the level of conditioning of my muscles is too high. I took 16 days of SD, but as I proceeded into the HST cycle I noticed that I was not gaining size. I ate well(3000 plus calories, i weight 185). Even more, I only focused training chest and arms to test. I have also increased the volume of training (2-3 sets) to be sure I am "inducing damage" to the fibers. I don't know what to do. Maybe I need to take more time of Strategic Deconditioning before I can make any progress. I read somewhere that the repeated bout effect lasts months. Maybe the appropiate SD should last more than 9-12 days...If anyone could help I would appreciate.
SD has nothing to do with it. You need 4 compunds exercises and enough volume to grow (but not too much), your training should not be more then 50-60 minutes. And with good diet and enough sleep there is no reason you wont grow.
You say you have not gained size, but have you gained weight? If you have not gained weight at all, then you are still not eating enough. When I was 185, anything under 3500 was a waste of time because it was barely enough to maintain, much less grow. I would recommend starting at a minimum of 3330 calories, no less than that.
maybe you are right...I'll start eating more calories
On the other hand you could show us your program so that we can give you further could be screwing up there...although I have a feeling Tot is on the "money".
(edimaniac @ Jan. 09 2008,23:19)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">maybe you are right...I'll start eating more calories</div>
You didn't really answer the question... but yeah, if you aren't gaining weight, then there really is no other solution. Taking a longer SD won't make a difference in this case. You have to have something coming in to build the new mass from.