SD question.


New Member
After reading the forums for the last few days I understand how important SD is, however I was wondering if my circumstances would allow for a different approach.

Roughly six months ago I had a head-on collision with an eighteen-wheeler. The injuries I sustained were predominately to my left leg and caused me to be in a light-weight bearing state for last six months. Prior to the accident I was in phenomenal shape (180lb 8%bf). Since the accident most of my muscle has atrophied due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Recently (Dec 27) I started hit the gym and I have lifted a total of five times including one day of determining my 15s (yesterday). All of the weight I can lift not are mere fractions to what I was capable of (ie. can only squat with the bar for 15s), but I know my muscle memory will kick-in soon enough.

My question is can I skip on the SD in this initial phase because I have been out of the gym so long? I was planing to determine my 10s Wed. and 5s Fri. then the following Mon. begin my routine with 15s. Lastly, should I even begin this first phase back into the gym with HST? I have lost a massive amount of strength in my lower extremities. Thanks in advance for replies.
Skip the SD. And I for one would like it if you started a log here so we can watch your progress.
Thanks for the reply sounds great. I'll create my log at the end of this week after determining max reps with before/after/after-accident pictures and logs.