SD Time


New Member
Ok so I posted my results on one thread just now, and I am starting SD. I think I want to do a cutting cycle after this bulk to really define my muscles better; I thought I wouldnt have to, but I do :/.

I'm going to run 3 to 4 times a week, and usually when I do this I do a lap, and then pushups and situps, do another lap and pushups situps etc etc.
My question is, would the combination of running and pushups and situps affect my SD? Should I just run? Or not do the pushups as much?

Any type of exercise during SD will sabotage the deconditioning. It probably wont completely ruin it but you would probably have to start with a higher weight and thus have a shorter cycle.

I have read somewhere where someone suggested not doing SD when going into a cutting cycle... or was that consecutive cutting cycles? Also I have heard its best to start at the 10s if there are no joint issues. It think the objective there is to make sure you are triggering hypertrophic responses in the muscle to minimize catabolism in a hypocaloric environment. However if one were not to SD then I cannot imagine that the 10s would cause much in the of hypertrophic response. My suggestion is to do nothing for a week and eat at maintainance. After that start your cutting cycle at the 10s and do whatever cardio you planned on.
the only thing is i do have joint problems, and if i was still playing sports i would require surgry on my thumb, wrist, and shoulder (i was a catcher, hurt all the time).

I just came off of a bulk cycle too. But I think I need to lose more body fat in a cut cycle.

So your saying the running, pushups, and situps would be a problem?

What if i just did running?
If I were you, I would probably just run 3 times a week. Cardio exercise will probably not mess up your SD too much, but it's best to avoid any type of exercise that can be strenuous on the muscles.
Yep, cardio of the longish type:

1/2 hour at 60 to 70% intensity.

Pushups and other strenous type exercises will minimize the so called deconditioning effect!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have read somewhere where someone suggested not doing SD when going into a cutting cycle... or was that consecutive cutting cycles? </div>
Yep, got it right
As long as you are going to a cutting cycle - no matter if you came from a bulking or cutting cycle too - you don't have to SD. After all, it doesn't make much sense to SD there, does it, since your goal is to cut down fat (not gain muscle), so you're best served by continually lifting weights to burn calories.

Did you mean you are going to run another bulk and then cut? If you are going right into a cut, there is no reason to SD, as jv already pointed out.

However, I think you should probably eat at maintenance during the 15s and start cutting calories once you hit the 10s.
CN, you are a little unclear on what your intent is. Follow what Tot says in either case. Also, never neglect overall health just for HST. Keep the cardio going as Fausto suggested.
Yeah I finished my bulk cycle and started to SD today. My next cycle is a cut cycle.

I have never done a cut cycle, can someone suggest exercises for me then? I def need to do 15s for joint problems/old injuries.
(jvroig @ Jun. 27 2006,13:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have read somewhere where someone suggested not doing SD when going into a cutting cycle... or was that consecutive cutting cycles? </div>
Yep, got it right  
 As long as you are going to a cutting cycle - no matter if you came from a bulking or cutting cycle too - you don't have to SD. After all, it doesn't make much sense to SD there, does it, since your goal is to cut down fat  (not gain muscle), so you're best served by continually lifting weights to burn calories.

jvroig nice to see you back on here mate
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have never done a cut cycle, can someone suggest exercises for me then? I def need to do 15s for joint problems/old injuries. </div>

Do normal 15's and extend the 10's into as long as possible, off days, hard cardio such as HIIT or tabata (2x/week is enough as long as is intense, then cut cals back to maintenance, if not enough cut a further 300 - 500 or so, feel how it goes.

5's just the 2 weeks 3 - 4 sets, 6 if you can make it, that you can crank out 30 sets per minicycle.
So the weight will remain the same? Actually wont it go down a little because of the larger amount of sets? so how many weeks over 10 do you usually do, 3 or 4?

While cutting, you generally want to keep the weights increasing like normal... but if you are getting too fatigued, drop volume. Don't drop the weight and preferrably not the frequency. Remember, the goal here is to retain muscle, not build it, so you don't need to do a million sets.

Also, like I said, don't cut calories during the 15s. That's a bad idea. Instead, during the 15s, add in whatever cardio you prefer to create a calorie deficit through exercise.

I would stick to a simple routine. You won't really need any isolations or much variety, since you aren't going to be building any muscle. Squats, bench and rows should be enough, though I would think about throwing in military press. Stick to three days a week of lifting and do cardio on the off days.
If you workout at home, you can even workout everyday. That'll help you get a calorie deficit big time. Plus each workout doesn't have to be &quot;extreme&quot; or anything, as Totz mentioned, you're not out to be the hulk.
OF couse, if working out each day will confuse your cycle (it can be a logistic nightmare, that's for sure), then don't bother. A cutting cycle, after all, really is just your regular HST cycle, with the obvious exception that you don't eat by the truckloads
