Second Cycle... Any ideas how i can make improvements to my training???


New Member
Just finishing up my first HST cycle, doing my last week of negatives now.

Pretty happy with the results, and am looking forward to my next cycle, but before i start finding my new rep max's, i want some advice on how i can improve.

My exercises were:

Benchpress (Flat)
Standing Overhead Dumbell Presses
Preecher Curls
Tricep Pulldowns
Kneeling Ab Crunches
Hanging Leg Raises

And advice would be great, some bottom of the chest development would be good. My Legs have benifited the most from HST, ive gone from 80kgx5 reps, to 130kgx5 reps. Ill find out about the rest when i find my new maxes

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Add/alternate dips with the bench press. Do them leaning forward, elbows away from the body. Hits the lower chest well.
I find they produce better growth for my chest than regular flat bench. Its a more natural movement for the arms.
They will also work your triceps far better than the tricep pulldowns your doing.

Dont change too much on your routine just yet. Give it a couple of cycles to really get into it before you start making changes.

Read the simplify and win thread. Some great ideas on there.
