Second Cycle Help


New Member
During my first cycle I did flat bench everyday. (alternated BB and DB). I also alternated skullcrushers with dips. So one day I would be hitting chest with both bench and dips, the next day just bench.

Someone needs to talk me into alternating bench with dips. I have excel open right now, and am making my second cycle....but I am imagining the days where my only chest exercise would be dips, and I gotta say, I feel like I would miss bench too much. Do you really think that doing both bench and dips everyday is too much?

I am also thinking about dropping bicep curls and skullcrushers in favor of Chins and Dips everyday.
Do you think Chins and Rows everyday is too much back?
Dips give me enough tricep development?
I personally felt like chins gave me great bicep develop.

It looks like I am favoring trying a more simple routine instead of the A/B of my first cycle.

My current thoughts for Second Cycle:

Squat/Deadlift (Squat M & F)
Slight Incline BB Press (maybe flat)
Bent-Over Rows
Military Press
Standing Calf-Raises
Weighted Crunches

My first Cycle was A/B like this:

Flat BB Press/Flat DB Press
Lat Pulldown/Seated Rows
Military Press/Military Press
Ez Curls/Chins
your second cycle looks good to go
Yeah, your idea is fine, i don't think bench and dips is too much, and I definitely think row and chins is good combo, they work different angles of the lats and traps, etc. ,the back is a huge, complicated pile of muscle and needs a couple of different exercises to work it properly in my opinion...chins and rows should do the trick.