Second HST routine


New Member
First Post, please bare with me, I don't have a feel for this forum yet.

I had wonderful progress with the vanilla HST routine. I did 2 sets for 15's, 10's, and 5's and I dropped 5% bodyfat and added some good mass.

(reviewed here)

I am looking at a second HST cycle and I wanted to ask some more experienced HST pros to let me know if this is going to be too much or right on the money.

First and Foremost
My goal is to drop body fat while preserving LBM, period.

Nutrition is spot on, moreover, macros are locked at 40/40/20 and I make sure to strictly follow my nutritional guidelines to preserve LBM and cut.

I was looking at doing the following routine, which is slightly modified from my original HST routine (found in the link above).


I am planning M/W/F fullbody workouts
performing 2 sets for my 15's, 2-3 for my 12's, 3-4 for my 8's and 4-5 for my 4's.

I had a couple questions:

1.) I read the <span style='color:red'>simplify and win</span> post and I was curious to know why perform so few exercises and would it hurt to do as many as 13? I did 10 previously and had little trouble.

2.) I read a lot of people saying to drop the 15's during a cut but I noticed the most aerobic workout and fat loss during this period, any real problem keeping it?

3.) I am also running a  4 week H-Drol/Propadrol PH Cycle during this and I read up on HST and PH's here on this forum where I learned to use more sets instead of upping the weight during any AAS or PH cycle. I would like some advice from someone who used HST while on a PH.

Thanks in advance, I have loved this site since I discovered HST and I am extremely impressed with the progress I have made thus far.
I'm not an HST expert as I'm only into my second HST cycle. So for what it's worth here's my thoughts.

I too made great gains on my 1st cycle after making virtually no gains in the previous year using a &quot;traditional&quot; routines that incl. drop sets etc. My 1st cycle was pretty much the same as yours except I don't do flat BP or leg press, but instead have extra back exercises i.e. wide pulldown and cable rows. So our overall volume is about the same.

Like you I've found no problem doing this many exercises. I think some people choose to do far fewer for different reasons, some want a shorter workout, while others find they get CNS fatigue too quickly doing the number you are doing. If you've had no problems I'd say keep doing the same number. Drop the number if you begin to notice signs of CNS or similar. However it does look like a lot of sets, but I've never tried antything like H-drol etc.

Others have also reported weight loss during the 15's, I think you should keep them.

So in summary I'd say keep doing what you have found works, only change things once this stops. Or if you really want to make changes for your 2nd cycle only up the number of sets slightly.