Seeking source of past article


New Member

Bryan once posted an article over at discussing a study wherein researchers found that partial reps performed close to the limits of an athlete's range of motion had anabolic effect. If I recall it had to do with increasing sarcolemic permeability. I have been using Google's advanced search to crawl all over thinkmuscle and this forum and I cant seem to dig it up. I REALLY wanna see this article. If any of you guys happen to know of what I am speaking, or if you happen to read my post Bryan, please point me to the article and/or study. I can't tell you how much I'd love to read it again.

Thanks a bunch.

I don't know if thinkmuscle has archives, but if not, you could try the wayback machine at
Thanks for the tip. I looked at the 2003 archive for thinkmuscle but didn't turn up anything (2003 was when I read the article). I seem to remember that it may have been in one of the newsletters. I remember thinking that it was great how Bryan kept abreast of the research and emailed it out. There was another article detailing a study done on a squat routine and its effect on HGH release. I can't help but think that sometime during its development some posts on thinkmuscle were taken down. Did Bryan write for any other websites?
Memory can play games but I recall distinctly thinking how interesting the study in question was. Arnold Schwarzzeneger has mentioned doing a few post-set reps at the ROM limit in some of his articles in M&F, while John Little and Peter Sisco argued in their Power Factor Training and Static Contraction Training books that ROM had no relation to hypertrophy (and hence partials and static holds at near maximal CSA). I pretty much believed Sisco and Little until I saw this study (which is why its firmly etched in my noggin' ). Argh! Where did it go?

I checked the thinkmuscle newsletters on hand. Nothing. If I wanted to hunt this down in the literature, what journals would you recommend I check (and what sites can I access them at) ?

Thanks a bunch.

Not sure if this helps, but the gym I used to work at always taught us that as long as you got to within 15 degrees of your full ROM that it would be more or less equal as doing it all the way.  I always thought it was a load of crap but that's nice to know there is someone with a scientific background saying the same.

Sorry it isn't the article, but I figure I'd share.
Dan will probably read this here and respond if he knows the answer, but you might want to check out . There are a bunch of studies cataloged there, so even if you can't find Bryan's article you might find the study he referred to. Good luck!