Selecting new poundages after first HST cycle and SD


New Member
Hello all -

I'm excited to try this program but I have one question. How do you select new poundages for your second HST cycle, after the completing first 6 (or 8) weeks and the strategic deconditioning?

I will elaborate:
Prior to beginning the program, you determine your 15RM, 10RM, and 5RM.

Generally, you increment the poundages by 5% each workout, until you build up to 100% of your max:
Day 1: all exercises @75% of 15RM
day 2: 80%
day 3: 85%
day 4: 90%
day 5: 95%
day 6: 100%

By the final workout you end up doing multiple sets at 100% of your max. How do you determine the poundages for the next cycle?

Does everyone take a workout day to determine their new maxes? If so, why isn't that mentioned anywhere? :{

Do you guestimate that your 15RM, 10RM, and 5RM have all increased by 5% in that time? 10%? More? What is a good rule of thumb? Thanks for your help.
"Find your 15 rep, 10 rep, and 5 rep max lifts for each exercise you are going to use. For the second cycle simply add 5-10 pounds to all lifts. "

So add 5-10 pounds to all lifts and all sets, not just your RM's (last session of each two week block)
What I prefer to do after my HST cycle is complete is do another 2 weeks of 5s but add 5 lbs each workout until eventually I max out and then I use that new weight as my new 5 RM. Based on the increase in my 5 RM, I then estimate how much to add to the 10 and 15 RMs.