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Is it enough to do a quick warm up set then only one set on 15's? and how many sets on 10,s? One wrm up and 2 working sets and what about 5's?
I do as many warm up sets as it takes to get the joints loosened up and warm up the muscles, and most of those little aches and pains have subsided. This usually takes 3-5 sets, but I make them light enough so as not to fatigue the muscle being worked too much. I also typically warm up before the first exercise of a bodypart, with only a test set or "acclimation" set for subsequent exercises. The only exception to this is shoulder exercises which I find need a couple warm up sets each time.

I think that fewer warm up sets are needed during the 15's, and tend to add a few sets as I increase weights/decrease reps. Also, some exercises are good warmups for other bodyparts, such as doing leg curls before squats, or squats before deadlifts, so altering your exercise order may allow you to cut back on warmup sets.

Stretching between sets, whether warm ups or working sets, is also an excellent policy.
After a general warm-up, say 5 mins on my C2 rower, I'll warm-up more specifically before work sets for each exercise. Anything involving shoulders, I do lots of light warm-up work. If I don't do this, my shoulders will hurt like crazy and keep me awake at night. I need to do less warm-up for lower-body exercises but, even during 15s, I'll do three warm-up sets of squats or deads before my work sets—these will often be for sets of 5 reps which get the blood flowing but don't tax my CNS much. Let the poundages you are using for your work sets guide you in how many warm-up sets to do. During 5s, it's ok to do doubles or singles for warm-ups as you get nearer to your working loads.

Eg. If, during 15s, my work sets were to be 2 x 15 x 110kg for squats then I might do this:

10 x 60kg
5 x 80kg
5 x 100kg
then work sets

If, during 5s, my work sets were to be 3 x 5 x 160kg for squats then I might do this:
10 x 60kg
5 x 80kg
5 x 100kg
3 x 120kg
2-3 x 140kg
1-2 x 150kg
then work sets