Setting up weights for A/B workouts.


New Member
I'm currently at the end of a cycle and doing my RM tests for the next one. I'm thinking of moving from the 2-day split I'm on now back to a three-full-body-workout-per-week routine, but instead of doing one workout six times, setting up two different workouts in an A-B-A, B-A-B pattern over each two week microcycle.

My question is, when I set up the weights, should I use greater increments to figure out how much weight I should use on my first workout, or start with higher weights. For example, say my 15RM for Bench Press is 100 lbs. On my old three-day workout, there would be six increments to get there, so my starting weight would be 75lbs, and I would add 5 lbs each workout. On an A/B split, should I stick with five pound increments and start with 90lbs, or start with the same 75lbs and use 10lb increments?
My present routine has only 3 increments every 2 weeks so I chose to go with larger increments since everything I read here says the larger the gap between your starting weight and RM the better it is for hypertrophy.

Because I couldn’t use 10lb increments all the way on each exercise I am incrementing 10lbs per workout on the lower weights but switching to 5lbs per workout once I get to around 75% of my 1RM except for Dead Lift, Squat, Calf Raises and Shrugs which stay 10lbs all the way.