Shakey, Lightheaded and frail


New Member
Whats the cause of this? I drank a Vault before hand to make sure i had all the quick energy i could get. Adrenaline mayb? I hold my hand out and it shakes. Mayb i will be better when i finish my oats
How many sets did you do? Did you eat enough the day? Either way, it happens every once in a while, especially if you are lifting the morning/day after a night of drinking.
2 sets for each exercise, Yes i had 3 meals in the previous 6 hours consisting of about 700 cals each plus i drank that vault before i went
Good ol' 15s doing there job again! I have my 15RM w/o today so I will be in your shoes later

I had 11 exercises the first time I did 15s. 2 sets of each nearly finished me off for good.
This cycle I'm doing just 7 exercises and so far I have found the volume fine. Tonight will be the big test though.

I wouldn't worry about it unless the situation continues into the 10s.