Shape Da Noooobie

Absorb the FAQs.

Stick with the program.

Work with mainly compound exercises - include squats and deads in your program if poss.

If you are trying to gain weight make sure you are eating around 500+ cals a day over maintenance.

The wrong duplicate thread got deleted, but its all good. The original post was this. Since I'm a total noob to HST, I gave a shout out to folks that have experience with HST to share. Lay it on me. What tips can you give the noob - the one or two major things that in your opinion make the difference in success or failure.

Lol plainly pointed out all you need to know for now,


In fact, read them twice over... I still read them every few months to keep information like that in my head.

Stick to the vanilla routine... all compounds, deads and squats if you can with something like this:

Military Press
Calf Raises
Pulley Crunches
Bench Press

The last two are optional since... The first five is your core workout with calf raises and pulley crunches being small exercises that most people feel you should have in there (at least calfs.)

Do that three times a week.

Nutrition is the other half of the battle. First, you need to figure out how many calories you burn a day. This depends on your weight, bf%, and the exercise/movements you do in a day. I use the Katch & McArdle equation as it is more accurate by using lean body mass measurements.

LBM = (1-BF%)*(weight in kg's)
BMR = 370 + 21.6*LBM

*if your bodyfat% is 12%... put in .12
**if you don't know your bf%, get some cheap calipers and measure, estimate it, or get it tested

Now that you know your BMR, you can calculate how many calories you burn a day by multiplying your BMR by an activity factor.

Activity Factor
Sedentary = 1.2
Lightly Active = 1.375
Moderately Active = 1.55
Very Active = 1.725
Extremely Active = 1.9

Now thay you know how much you are burning in a given day, you gotta figure how much you want to eat. This depends on your goals. Generally, if you are cutting (want to lose fat, keep muscle), eat 300-500 calories less/day. If you are bulking, it is 300-500 more. If you want to bulk w/o care for too much fat, then go 500-1000, and the same goes in retrospect for cutting without too much care for loss of muscle.

Pre and Post WO nutrition is also important. If there is a time in the day that you will get your protein, it is then. I usually have 40g before and another 40g afterwards. Protein shakes are pretty simple. When it comes to how much protein you get per day, a golden rule is to eat as many grams of protein as you have LBM.

As I said before, check out the FAQ's... all this information will be there albeit the Katch-McArdle equation isn't.

Good luck, and I hope this helped.

colby, lol. thanks for the posts. will make sure i cover all the threads in the FAQ. appreciate the nutrition info.
