Should i extend my HST after the 5's with some other training program?


New Member
I am wondering what is the criterion for a trainee to choose if he will stop after the completion of 5's or will extend the HST cycle with some other training program as negatives.

I train alone at home and can't do negatives.What do you suggest?

I would like to test my strength level after the 5's and push more the next week but how should i do it?

For example if i do 100 Kg for 5 reps at the end of HST(last day) how to i proceed with next week?+5% on Monday for 5?And what about Wednesday and Friday?I use the same weight?105 Kg for 5 M/W/F?Or i build gradually to 105 Kg from Monday to Friday?

Do i extend one more week after the first +5% with +10% or what?

I hope you understand.
I have seen some vids on youtube about this training and read some things but would like to know how can i incoroporate this into HST's last 7-8 weeks.Can you give an example of one exercise through this period?
It's not exercise dependant.

example bench press: take 90% 1RM, perform single, rack the bar for 20-30 sec(10-20 deep breaths)
anather single and rest, and continue until you get to really grindy rep.
Then stop
or you can work up to your 3RM, im planning to do another week of 5s but do my 5RM in the first week as many reps as i can and add 10 lbs for the second week and do as many reps possible
It's not exercise dependant.

example bench press: take 90% 1RM, perform single, rack the bar for 20-30 sec(10-20 deep breaths)
anather single and rest, and continue until you get to really grindy rep.
Then stop

Is this done with same weights for every day of week?What about last week?
You can graddually add weights every two workouts or once a week
5RM weights heavy enouth to progress 2 more weeks.
Additional advice - after this heavy set do light one - for 12-15 reps
bench press
your 5RM = 100kg

1. 100kg 1+1+1+1+1, 75(70)kg 1x12-15
2. 100kg 1+1+1+1+1, 75(70)kg 1x12-15
3. 102.5kg 1+1+1+1+1, 75(70)kg 1x12-15
4. 102.5kg 1+1+1+1+1, 75(70)kg 1x12-15
5. 105kg 1+1+1+1+1, 75(70)kg 1x12-15
6. 105kg 1+1+1+1+1, 75(70)kg 1x12-15
I thought that cluster was about pushing more kg than what your Rep Max is but try to do it in parts until they are all done.For example if i can do 100Kg 5 Rep Max,i should try 105Kg and when i hit the limit at 3 Reps stop take a breathe and do the other 2 Reps.Isn't this?

In your example i see that you do 5 singles with a weight that i can already do 5 Reps in a row.What's the purpose?I don't see higher volume than 5 Reps but less.

Also how do you find with that 75Kg and 70Kg numbers?What are these supposed to mean?
I thought that cluster was about pushing more kg than what your Rep Max is but try to do it in parts until they are all done.For example if i can do 100Kg 5 Rep Max,i should try 105Kg and when i hit the limit at 3 Reps stop take a breathe and do the other 2 Reps.Isn't this?
You can use any reps combination you want.
You can also try "ladders": take 5RM and do 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3... and stop when you do enouth volume

In your example i see that you do 5 singles with a weight that i can already do 5 Reps in a row.What's the purpose?I don't see higher volume than 5 Reps but less.
Actually it's the same volume. volume measeres in reps count per exercise. But, yes, if you can handle more volume - go for it

Also how do you find with that 75Kg and 70Kg numbers?What are these supposed to mean?
70-75% from you 5RM - it's about 12-15RM