should I lower the weights?


New Member
so today was the first day of my second HST cycle, using 12/10/8/5 RMs and 5 or 6 workouts in each rep range.
during my first HST cycle, my 12 RM on bench press was roughly 115 or 120 pounds (not very good i know). After completing my 5 RMs I decided to figure out my new 12 RM and determined that it was 145 or 150 pounds (I was really excited about the gains). I then SD'ed for 8 days, and today was my first workout in my 2nd HST cycle.
for my second cycle, I decided to use my new 145 lb 12 rep max. I also decided to used 5lb increments as I did before. So today was my first workout, and i did 12 reps with 115 pounds.
The problem was that it was VERY difficult to get the weight up 12 times. It felt like I was using the intensity required for the 5th workout of the 6 workout cycle, definitely not the first. I cant yet tell how sore I will be from this workout (because i just finished it), but I am worried I lost my strength gains and that I have my weight set too high for my 2nd cycle.
My other exercises were also difficult to execute, but not quite as difficult as bench press.

should I be worried about the weight or will my stength come back to me quickly and I should proceed with the 5 lb increments as planned?
In general, you should use larger increments for the major compounds. I prefer to go based on a percentage, but for you on bench I would suggest 10 lb increments.
thanks I will change my increments.

But do you think my strength will come back to me and my 12RM will still be 145 or should I lower the weight?
I would keep 145 as your RM. Likely you are deconditioned from your SD and need a couple weeks to build back up to 145.
Don't be worry and try to loose your weight slowly. It's not a big issue that you are over weight and your all problems may occur due to weight. Just remove this think from your mind and think positively about you.