Should I SD?


New Member
I finished my 3rd HST cycle for 8 Weeks before Christmas and took 16 days SD while I was on holiday.
However when I came back I had to find a new gym and have not been consistent the last few weeks. I have been doing a full-body workout 3x per week using variable loads and not going to failure (not HST though), but am already feeling a bit burnt.
I want to start my 4th cycle of HST, would it be best to SD of 7-9 days and then start afresh? I want to include 15s as I always find they help the success of my cycles as a whole.
Any advice is very welcome.

Take not thy thunder from us!

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]but am already feeling a burnt.

When the above is for real, then yes take SD as prescribed, off Friday and back on the following Monday.

A simple resolution really, whenever you feel burn't out you should take off specially since you have been fidling with other stuff either than HST.


Thanks Fausto,

how many days do you think I should SD before starting my next HST cycle, given the time off at christmas and the limited training so far in Jan?

Thor (My actual name)
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Thor (My actual name)

That was just a quirp, hope you did not take it in an offending way, it is a most unusual name specially nowadays.

But since it is the name of the Viking god of thunder, thus the quirp.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]how many days do you think I should SD before starting my next HST cycle, given the time off at christmas and the limited training so far in Jan?

Let us be realistic, are you really feeling "pooped", if yes, then minimum SD is 7 days (9 actual days), else just ease right into it, mate!