shrugs every workout too much? rows and chins on same day ok?


i've been doing barbell shrugs every workout and i'm wondering if maybe it's too much especially when i have deadlifts, rows, pull-ups, etc. all of which hit the traps to some degree. will i get better trap growth by doing shrugs every other workout? also, i've always done rows and chins in the same workout because i was always taught that for every push movement you should have a pull movement in order to build a more balanced physique. however, it seems like most hst-ers split rows and chins into separate i still ok combining rows and chins in the same workout? thanks here's my current routine below

Slight Incline bbell bench
Barbell Rows
Lateral raises
Barbell shrugs
Close-grip bench

Weighted chest dips
Seated military press
Barbell rows
Barbell shrugs
Barbell curls
Good question, something I've been thinking of throughout my current cycle.

I feel like I may be overdoing the traps, although the results have been great up to now. I always have a mild pain in the centre of my back where the trap muscles taper to a point. This started on my last cycle and got pretty sore towards the end of my 5RM's. The first few days of my SD I was in pain, but then it eventually calmed down with the help of some pain killers.

I've just finished my 10's and ready to start the 5's and I still suffer with this pain mainly whilst doing bent over rows and shrugs. I also do pull ups and SLDL's in the same workout and think I might be doing to much back work. I can cope with the pain at the moment but I feel it may get worse as the weights get heavier. The thing is my back is now huge so I don't want to change anything up (at the moment).

Am I doing to much back work though?
SLDL's 3 x 5
Pullups 3 x 5
BOR 5 x 5
Shrugs 5 x 5

I do military press also and Bench Press seems to cause the pain in my back.
Traps grow easier than almost any other muscle group. It isn't really necessary to hit them so many times.
I will be dropping the shrugs on my next cycle as I feel I have worked them enough now and they are as big as I would like them. My next cycle will be a cut and I would like to incorporate some more side delt work instead as I think they may be slightly lacking.

Regarding the increase in load would I be best to use the cable machine or dumbells, or as Stealth says, try upright rows???