Sick and HST

Turk Malloy

New Member
I was doing a Vanilla HST ie; 2 week; 15's, 10's, 5's.
when 1 week into the 10's I get a massive flu and haven't been able
to train for the last 4 days.

What are people's suggestions?
* Should I do a complete SD and start another HST cycle.
* Or should I when I am able to, continue with the current HST cycle;
  ie the second week of 10's.

On another topic if I reach a certain level what do I do to maintain the muscle? Do I just keep up the calories I am eating or...?

I am on the same boat, just come out of a bout of flu.

1 - douse your self with vitamin C, I believe in this, it turned my symptoms from flu to just a cold not one but someting like 5 times already, I am talking dousing for real, like 6 g for the day.

2 - Normally when this happens I go back to that scheme where I stopped and re-start from the beggining, so you on the 2nd week of 10's I'd say re-start on 10's and go from there.

3 - Nutrition, depends on how much you were eating then and what type of training regime you were following. I would not worry too much.

4 - Once you have reached a certain level and you're not progressing you'll have to scale up your nutrition another notch!
Thanks for the tip fausto,

I have been increasing the vitamin C already, so thanks for that

Okay so I start again at the 10's do I continue my layoff period so its
a 14 day sd period?

I had just started increasing my nutrition, I had just added whey supplement, so I guess I continue.
Work does it now and then to me. If you were going into the tens, then you could do a workout or two of 15's to just get the groove of working out going again, and then ease into the tens. It depends on how you feel too.
You can treat your time off as a progression deload and do what I've suggested above, or you can add days to it and make it a Strategic Deload and start over, but I'd continue the cycle if I could.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Okay so I start again at the 10's do I continue my layoff period so its a 14 day sd period?</div>

As Quad put it, no...the reason is simple, SD is to be used for deconditioning after a full 8 week program, not for in between when you been put off by a sickness in between.

Just do as Quad says, if you want as he put it, go back into a maximum of 2 days of 15's if you feel you should or just get right back into 10's.