Simple HST and Fast Weightloss


New Member
I'll start by saying I know trying to cut a bunch of weight in a hurry is a terrible thing to do. At this point right now I'm not overly obsessed about keeping every lb of muscle. However I would like to keep as much as possible. I have my calories under control, yet with cardio and reduced carbs my energy level is low for lifting. I was thinking of just doing HST with Chest Press, Seated Rows, Shoulder Presses, and Stiff LEg Derad Lifts. Any Keep my lifting short yet hoping to keep as much as possible.

Thoughts on this?
(Trash44 @ Mar. 28 2007,14:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">At this point right now I'm not overly obsessed about keeping every lb of muscle. However I would like to keep as much as possible.</div>
Contradict much? Heheh.

Anyway, are you losing weight? At what rate are you losing it? I wouldn't want to lose more than a pound or two a week. How much are you aiming to lose? A pound or two a week is pretty rapid, and will allow you to keep most of your muscle, assuming a non-retarded diet.
If your energy levels are low, try keeping volume low.
Keeping the number of exercises short is a good idea for a cut. As Tot poined out, you may want the volume lower than normal if energy levels are low. 15's can be quite taxing. I am currently in my 2nd week of 15's and cutting, and I have a tough time completing my sets. I sometimes have to cluster the reps. You could always opt out of the 15's or do only one week.

I'm not a fan of the low carb diets, but do what you will. This will definitely decrease the amount of energy you have. I would sip some gatorade through workout, concentrate your carbs around your workout (specifically before), and supplement 5g of creatine/day. Of course with taking creatine, you need to drink plenty of water so you are not dehydrated.
Well I'm 2 weeks in and I've lost 6lbs, however... I would say that some of that is glycogen and water... I'm feeling very flat right now.

As far as low carb goes... I guess I should say I've cut out thalot but not all... I have a whole grain bagel and a fiber bar during the day and at night a small portion of rice, a salad or some broccoli.

I do have 1 or 2 cheat meals a week and figure these higher calorie meals can't hurt as they will keep my metabloism moving?

I'm 6'1&quot; and about 230 lbs... I'd like to cut down 15-20 lbs in the next 2 or 3 months. I'm thinking I will do 1 set on 15's, 2 sets on 10's and 3 sets on 5's. I'm probably doing 4-5 hours cardio a week. I try to keep well hydrated and plan to add creatine and glutamine to my whey shakes. I may add some type of fat burner... any suggestions? Maybe I'll just do a straight ECA stack.
Yeah, the velocity diet is great, but personally, I'd avoid it. But that's probably because I've already had diarrhea before. Seriously. All those liquid drinks...

Avoid crash diets like that. Stick to something sensible. A 500 calorie dietary deficit along with some extra activity (cardio and lifting) is sufficient to lose weight, unless you are already below 8% bodyfat.
Ditto the last two posts. A traditional cut, lot Tot suggests will do you fine. If you think you just have to hurry, read everything you can at Lyle's site. He's one smart cookie.
So just sticking with Chest Prett, Seated Row, Stiff Leg Dead Lifts, and Shoulder Presses should be okay?

Any Suggestions on a Fat Burner?

Thanks for all your input guys!
I suggest reading the Velocity diet, yes it's extreme but several benefits, preserving muscle mass, most keep all their muscle mass and some even gain.

Also many, myself included have lost cravings for crappy food after the diet so it can be a grate way to jump start a diet and move into a traditional weight loss plan. My diet is now the cleanest it's ever been.

BTW - all those protien shakes will plug you up not give you the runs besure to get enough fiber.

Everyone's different the V-diet clicked for me but may not be for everyone.

Yes I like Lyle as well I've read most of his stuff, very good.

I have 4 more weeks of lean bulking then another month of V-diet. I want at least 200 lbs LBM at 12-15%BF so I have another 28-30 pounds to lose, So should be there by July.

I've used Lipodrene (ephedra) before the V-Diet and Hot Roxx Extreme during the V-diet. Hot Roxx is better the Ephedra makes my heart race I had to be careful how much I took cause during rides on my road bike my HR would get crazy high for the effort I was putting out.
I don't get jitters at all the Hot Roxx no HR increase and I really notice a difference with hunger If I happen to miss a dose. I take max dosage 2 in moring before breakfast and 2 around 2:00 p.m.. Don't take it after 7:00 p.m. or sleep can be an issue. Hot Roxx supports LBM retention so an added bonus.
I've also been taking Lean Extreme, I notice the Lean Extreme seems to help me the most. I ran out this week and although I haven't weighed in I feel I'm putting more of my bulking to fat this week than last few weeks.

Z-Guy... great sales pitch...

&quot;I ran out this week and although I haven't weighed in I feel I'm putting more of my bulking to fat this week than last few weeks. &quot;

So you're getting fat in less than a week on a &quot;lean bulk&quot;!?!?!?! With the 150 miles a week on your bike???(mentioned on the link you posted above) Why would you try to bulk with that much cardio?!?!
(Trash44 @ Mar. 29 2007,09:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So just sticking with Chest Prett, Seated Row, Stiff Leg Dead Lifts, and Shoulder Presses should be okay?

Any Suggestions on a Fat Burner?

Thanks for all your input guys!</div>
Yes, that routine should be fine. Just focus on maintaining your strength and you should be able to keep most of your muscle.

A stimulant probably isn't necessary, though if you can get ephedrine still, pair that with caffeine and you should get good results. Almost anything you can buy over the counter right now, like Hot-Rox, Ripped Fuel, etc etc, is basically just a caffeine supplement with a &quot;proprietary blend&quot; of bullcrap, and won't do much for you... but ephedrine and some simple caffeine pills like Vivarin or No-Doz will work great.
Thanks Tot, I have been wondering about all these fat burners since they removed the the ephedrine... I'll stick with an ECA... thank goodness for shady gas stations that still have ephedra... haha
i would be tempted to get on a eca stack too but arent they bad for your heart and stuff? dont some people just keel over and die when on those?
I agree with Franko. Full squats will work your quads, hams and glutes. Or just do normal deads. You'll be able to lift more weight as it will be distributed over more muscle groups than for SLDLs. SLDLs are a great exercise but I reckon that you would be better off with one of the others (or alternating) during a cut.
Thanks for the info guys...

I would agree squats and deadlifts would probably be better. Believe it or not these are two lifts I have never done. I know they are two basic lifts too... I've just always been hesitant to try them becasue I lift alone.

Maybe I should change that...
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I would agree squats and deadlifts would probably be better. Believe it or not these are two lifts I have never done. I know they are two basic lifts too... I've just always been hesitant to try them becasue I lift alone. </div>

Start off light.
Focus on correct form.
Then focus on correct form again.