Simple HST routine...quick question (or two).


New Member
I did a cycle of HST a few years back but life happened and I haven't been able to utilize any kind of lifting routine since. Yeah, I've thrown some weight around from time to time, but at this point in my life I'd say I'm at a fully deconditioned state. So I want to start up HST again. I've come to find that the obvious route for me to go would be the simplest: Squats, Bench, Rows, M. Press. Planning on doing 1x15 (2 weeks), 2x10 (2 weeks), 3x5 (2 weeks), Negatives (2 weeks). I read how drop sets can become useful for the 5's. Question: Is this something I should do with it being my first cycle? Or just stick to 2 weeks of 5's, then 2 weeks of negs? I also have a concern that I'm not getting my hams or calves hit on any of the exercises I'm doing. Question: Would it make sense then to work in Leg Curls and Calf Raises? Thanks for any help you can give a rook!
doing drop sets wont do any harm,if you want to add more work for hammis/calves thats ok.