
I've got a few questions that I'm either too dumb to understand layed out for me in the FAQ's or its just not there.... :(

1)If I'm looking at the program and understanding it right, it goes;

2 weeks of 2 sets of 15 reps
2 weeks of 2 sets of 10 reps
2 weeks of 2 sets of 5's

Then "SD".

2) What is "SD/Strategic Deconditioning"? Do I put it into the routine when I feel it's necessary, or do I do it after every six week cycle?

3) Do you change the basic exercises after each cycle, keep them the same, or just whatever you feel is necessary?
Hi Bansho! Welcome!

1) 2 weeks 15s, 2 weeks 10s, 2 weeks 5s, 2 weeks post-5s, SD. Number of sets per exercise will depend on your level of conditioning. For most folks starting out, 1 or 2 sets of 15s, 2 sets of 10s, and 3 sets of 5s should be enough for a good PS response.

2) SD is explained in several places. Try this link:

3) Up to you. Most folks would be advised to include the basic 'big' compound movements as regular staples in their routines, ie. deads, squats, bench, rows, chins, dips. If you are the kind of person that gets easily bored, there are a ton of variations for each of these movements so you really should be able to change things up in order to keep your workouts interesting.
I've got a few questions that I'm either too dumb to understand layed out for me in the FAQ's or its just not there.... :(

1)If I'm looking at the program and understanding it right, it goes;

2 weeks of 2 sets of 15 reps
2 weeks of 2 sets of 10 reps
2 weeks of 2 sets of 5's

Then "SD".

2) What is "SD/Strategic Deconditioning"? Do I put it into the routine when I feel it's necessary, or do I do it after every six week cycle?

3) Do you change the basic exercises after each cycle, keep them the same, or just whatever you feel is necessary?

Also, remember the sets are First week ~75% RM/~80%RM/~85% RM for the sets and the second week is ~90%RM/~95%RM/100% RM. I use the approximate sign, because sometimes you have to adjust the numbers a little to make the lifts right. So hopefully, you know your 15RM, your 10RM and your 5RM.
Also, thanks for all the replies so far, and the link!

Wow, that actually was an easier read than it was this morning. Sorry, I must've not had enough caffeine.

I guess the only other thing is for me to see how you guys eat/ a typical diet when on this program, which I'm assuming is in the "training log" area?
sorry this post must've accidentally not posted;

I don't know my maxes for those. Any way I could just start out light and work my way up?

(I won't be doing these until I'm done with Starting Strength, so June/July) I could probably talk to my math teacher and they could work the percents given in the FAQ backwards with my 5RM?
Yeah, if you estimate your 10RM and your 15 RM from your 5 RM, you should be fine.

Remember to take a week to two off between the end of Starting Strength and the start of HST for strategic deconditioning.
Yeah, if you estimate your 10RM and your 15 RM from your 5 RM, you should be fine.

Remember to take a week to two off between the end of Starting Strength and the start of HST for strategic deconditioning.

Damn it! haha good call!

A last question on that;
I see that Strategic Deconditioning is recommended as 9-12 days, is this because a week is too short and two weeks is too long, or just basically to have us lean towards a two week break?