Skipping the last day of the cycle


New Member
starting tomorrow will be the last week of my first HST cycle.

I want to skip Friday's workout. I want to use that day to determine my maxes for some new exercises I will be doing in the next cycle.

after that, I will do 2 weeks of SD.

Can I do this? or should I determine my maxes on the monday after, and then go into SD?
Why not? I don't see a problem with skipping a day. And working out a different way should be even less of a problem. Don't worry - go ahead.
Have you already completed three weeks of 5s or just one? If this is just your second week of 5s you can continue with 5s for at least a further two weeks and find your new 5RMs along the way. If this is your fourth week of 5s find your new 5RMs this week or take a further week to do so.

Once you have your new 5RMs there's no real need to find new 15RMs or 10RMs; just add a few pounds to your previous 15 and 10RMs. Deciding on how much to add will depend on how hard or easy it was to make the reps for your 15 and 10RMs this first cycle. Eg. For heavier compound movements where you made your 10RM pretty easily, try adding 10lb; if it was pretty tough try 5lb. For isos or for smaller muscle groups try adding 5lb.

During your second cycle, make a note of how easy or hard it was to get the reps for the 15 and 10RM workouts so you are better able to judge how much to add to your RMs for the following cycle. For some exercises the loads will increase much more quickly than others; deads will probably shoot up whereas presses probably won't.
Do a regular workout then SD. Guesstimate your maxes when you start again. You should be able to get with a pound or two. Besides, you can always make adjustments mid cycle or even lengthen a rep range for a week if you estimated way low. No programs are written in ink with HST.
thanks guys!

starting tomorrow will be the beginning of week 8, the last week of my cycle, doing my 5's.

The reason I want a day to re-calculate my RM's is because for my next cycle, I want to do Incline Bench instead of Flat, and I want to add RDL or SLDL.

Unless there are formulas I can use based on my Flat Bench Press and Deadlift to calculate my maxes for Incline Bench and RLD/SLDL, that would be great too.

I don't really remember how difficult the 10's were, but I do remember struggling for certain exercises, though I can't remember which ones.... next cycle, I'll take note of that

In my next cycle, I plan to omit normal deadlift, replacing it with RDL or SLDL + Shrugs.

I will soon post my next cycle's exercise list for critique.