slay me if you must...


Well-Known Member
OK All -

I've prepared myself for the onslaught, so let it fly.

I'm a software developer - I say that to explain that sometimes my schedule forces me to miss a day here or there. I know, I know - I shouldn't miss days, but in the grand scheme, I'm going to. Given the HST methodology, if I miss a Monday, do I make it up Tuesday and then get back on track Wednesday, or do I wait until Wednesday?

Secondly, how do y'all feel about doing yoga on off days, and maybe even sporadically during SD? I won't give any details here other than the fact that 7 years of being a gymnast and a really bad car accident left me broken; training like a bodybuilder gets me 85% to normal. I've been looking for the last 15% for years now, and I was recently told to do try yoga to try and bridge the gap.

OK. I'm ready...... Let the onslaught begin.
If I miss a monday I will do it on tuesday and then just get back on track wednesday. It can make weds. a bit more tuff (depending on where in the progression you are)but that'll learn ya to miss W/O's!!!

And, nothing wrong with yoga...
I agree with Russ. If something comes up and i am unable to get to the weightroom on my scheduled day, i go the next day, or the day before if i know in advance...

i do yoga on my off days. i love it...
(Runjor @ May 14 2007,13:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i do yoga on my off days. i love it...</div>
Runjor -

Thanks so much for your reply! (Russ, you too!)

It really helps to know that at least two people are willing to admit that missed days happen, and that one person will admit to doing yoga! I'm hoping like crazy that HST will help me bust through my present stasis in the weight room, and that yoga will help everything else fall into line.

You can also do every other day, if your gym is open. That way, if you miss a workout; your total for the week is still up there.
Yeah, Namaste...

Have you tried Yamuna body rolling - A kid at my boxing gym had an aching/tight lumbar area; rather than try and stretch this area, I had him &quot;roll&quot; it. This had an immediate beneficial effect.
TDM - Yamuna Body Rolling really worked, huh? The website doesn't go into much detail, but the overview is pretty interesting. Thanks for pointing it my way - I'll definitely give it a shot.

Missed the gym again this morning, guys - my daughter woke up puking at 2:00. At this point, I believe that I'm practicing the not-so-beneficial practice of NSD. - Non-Strategic Deconditioning.
If Yamuna is what I think it is, it's simply myofascia(sp?) release. Basically, just imagine that often times your muscle fibers get knots in them that affect their ability to stretch effectively. You've got to &quot;roll&quot; these knots out, which hurt like hell if you do it right, as a form of self-administering deep tissue massage. The gym I used to work at advised doing this even as much as 3 times a week.
Medium firm ball 6-8inch diameter (&quot;rubber&quot; tennis ball for feet/arms)
Sit on ball - move slowly in circular motion around supporting arse cheek, then move an inch at a time so ball travels to within 4inch of back of knee, then back to buttock, swap sides &amp; repeat.
Starting from the buttock again, inch your way up the side of your spine til you reach your neck. Stop, replace ball on other cheek &amp; start again.

This rolling can also be done on the quads &amp; also the sides of the legs (ITB/TFL), chest **avoid rolling over the btm ribs as they could break **, arms, shoulders and neck... Use the tennis ball for the soles of your feet; again workin heel to toe, then letting the ball rollout thus stretching your toes (good after a heavy squatting session)

Remember to go slowly and pause to allow the muscle to stretch-out over the ball...  

Nearly forgot - there's also the abs stretch; lay over the ball with it placed on the pubic bone - then slowly roll over it onto your abs, then &quot;belly breathing&quot; sink onto it. This not also stretches the abs (multifidis &amp; all that) but is reputed to wake up the visceral organs &amp; aid digestion etc.