
New Member
I've been using SLDL for over year, but during last cycle I had problems with my lower back when I reached heavy poundages. I followed a scheme like this:
M/F Squats and SLDL, W Deadlifts and leg curls.
Which exercise could I choose instead of SLDL on M/F ?

Thank you

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">M/F Squats and SLDL, W Deadlifts and leg curls.
Which exercise could I choose instead of SLDL on M/F ?</div>

You could replace SLDL's with Romanian Deadlifts which are somewhat of a hybrid between straight leg and regular. A better idea would be to simply alternate squats and deads every other WO.
I dropped SLDLs for regular deads after about a year. I decided that I couldn't do SLDLs, squats and deads in the same week so I dropped SLDLs.

I still give my hams a great workout with the heavier deads and ATG squatting.
GM'S work both, but to have sldl's along side deads and squats is overkill imo.

unless you work them into an A/B split.