Smoother weight progression


New Member
Based on what I've heard Bryan say, I'm trying to make a smoother weight progression for my next cycle. I'm planning this:

(3 x a week)

1 week of 15's x 1 set
1 week of 12's x 1 set
1 week of 10's x 2 sets
1 week of 8's x ?? sets
1 week of 6's x ?? sets
1 week of 5's x 3 sets
1 week of 4's x ?? sets
1 week of 3's x ?? sets
(2 weeks of negs x ?? sets, if desired)

I'm not really sure how many sets I should do for some weeks. What do you guys think?
My opinion is you're re-inventing the weel.

Why change the 15/10/5/5 setup, where you could go 1 set/1.5 or 2 sets/3 sets?

But if you absolutely insist

15 - 1 / 12 - 1 / 10 - 1.5 / 8 - 2 / 6 - 3 / 5 - 3 / 4 - 3 / 3 - 4

no need for negatives
This has been discussed many times before. Do a search and see what turns up.

Basically, for all the extra bother you will have to go to to get this right you will see little, if any, difference in the results of the cycle. I think the most important factors will turn out to be the starting and finishing loads (overall progression) and how long you can keep the 5s/negs going before your body tells you to take a break.

Also, you will be working nearer to RM loads most of the time which might mean that you have to reduce your working sets in order to manage fatigue, thus decreasing the amount of work you do overall.

Try to keep your total reps reasonably consistant throughout the cycle too so that the amount of work you do is progressing along with the load.

If you do decide to try it out then have fun working out your RMs before you start
Just choose a target total rep count and do as many sets as needed to reach it, staying away from failure of course. Let's say that you aim for 20 total reps per exercise. As the weights progress, your rep-set scheme will also change, e.g. something like
10, 10
7, 7, 6
6, 5, 5, 4

The rep scheme is just a guideline, it's not set in stone. I'm not working towards a set max this cycle; I estimated what my 15RM was from my 5RM, cut the weight and progressed 5-15 pounds a workout. When I hit my RM, then I either go another workout to exceed that by 5-10 pounds, or just increase the weight and start at a lower rep range. I can finally start 5's again Monday.

What's important is you're increasing the weight every workout for the 8 or more weeks.
Cluster 20/24reps upto your 5 or 3rm (in your final week) and you'll probably find that your "sets" more or less fall inline with your proposed rep scheme