so i was in the gym...


New Member
im in 8's(8 reps)at the moment,i was feeling pretty week today,i went through my routine backwards,no reason,anywho i got to bench and was set to do 285lb@8 but that just wasnt happenin(felt crap).

a couple of days ago i was idley glancing over max stim,i took a few pointers and decided id do something similar for bench today,so i dropped the weight  to 220lb and did 4 reps with 1 second rest then 4reps with 3 seconds then 4 with 5 seconds finally 4 with 8 seconds.

jesus christ my chest was toast.i liked it and think i may incorperate it into my workout next cycle.just thought id share my thoughts
Icars, not sure if you meant 1 sec rest between each rep or just 1 sec rest between reps 4 and 5 with no rest between the first 4 reps.
Starting m-time is usually around 5 seconds per individual rep as per Dan's suggestions. You go up from there, with probably a good rule being not to exceed 30 seconds between reps. I mean, you can, but if you are, you're probably lifting some really, really heavy weight.

You can also cluster the reps (which I've experimented with), with a decent rule of thumb being to multiply the amount of reps you just performed by the default m-time (5-10 seconds, though it could be more as the set progresses).

E.g. if you do 3 reps at a time, take 15-30 seconds between mini-sets of 3. If you do 5 reps at a time, take 25-50 seconds between mini-sets of 5.

That sort of thing.
(lcars @ Oct. 20 2006,18:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">im in 8's(8 reps)at the moment,i was feeling pretty week today,i went through my routine backwards,no reason,anywho i got to bench and was set to do 285lb@8 but that just wasnt happenin(felt crap).

a couple of days ago i was idley glancing over max stim,i took a few pointers and decided id do something similar for bench today,so i dropped the weight  to 220lb and did 4 reps with 1 second rest then 4reps with 3 seconds then 4 with 5 seconds finally 4 with 8 seconds.

jesus christ my chest was toast.i liked it and think i may incorperate it into my workout next cycle.just thought id share my thoughts
that sounds more like EDT than max-stim
btw this is the basics of EDT

• Each workout consists of two 20-minute time frames separated by a short (5-10 minute) rest period. In each time frame, you'll perform two exercises, for a total of 4 exercises per workout.

• In each time frame, the two exercises are performed in alternating fashion, back and forth, until the time frame has elapsed.

• After warming up the first 2 exercises, select a load that approximates a 10-12 RM for each exercise. Ideally, the weight used for each exercise should be equally difficult.

• Sets, reps, and rest intervals: Generally, most people will find it most effective to do higher repetition (but not maximal effort) sets and shorter rests at the beginning, and then gradually progress to less reps per set and longer rests as fatigue accumulates. As an example, you might begin by performing sets of 6 with very short (15-30 second) rests. As you begin to fatigue, you'll increase your rest intervals as you drop down to sets of 4, then 2, and as the 20-minute time limit approaches, you might crank out a few singles in an effort of accomplish as many repetitions as possible in 20 minutes.

NOTE: Do not perform early sets to failure, or even near failure. My recommended starting point is to do 1/2 of what is possible (e.g., 5 reps with a 10-RM weight) at the beginning of the time frame. As the time limit approaches however, you'll find yourself working at or near failure as you attempt to break your rep record.

• Progression: Each time you repeat the workout; your objective is to simply perform more total repetitions in the same time frame. Apply the 20/5 rule: as soon as you can increase the total number of reps by 20% or more, start the next workout withy 5% more weight and start over.
EDT, which I have tried, and, perhaps, Max Stim, which I have not tried yet although I intend to, both seem to be best suited for machines for safety reasons.

Comments either way?
(Old and Grey @ Oct. 21 2006,14:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">EDT, which I have tried, and, perhaps, Max Stim, which I have not tried yet although I intend to, both seem to be best suited for machines for safety reasons.

Comments either way?</div>
and convenience
(Old and Grey @ Oct. 20 2006,15:32)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Icars, not sure if you meant 1 sec rest between each rep or just 1 sec rest between reps 4 and 5 with no rest between the first 4 reps.</div>
yeah wasnt very clear,what i did was:

1 rep then rack the bar for 1-2 seconds then do that for another 3 reps then do 1rep and rack it for 3 seconds and so on until i reached 8 seconds between each rep,so it was only one rep at a time,increasing the time in between reps as it gets harder.
Ok. So you actually did what Dan proposes in Max Stim. Glad to hear you liked it. I plan on trying it this winter.
Also, Icars, try it without dropping the loads. It's amazingly effective if you are feeling like you don't have your usual level of energy. I tried it and was amazed that I got throught the reps. You should feel a really deep strain type sensation (not like an injury though) but different to if you did 8 consecutive reps @ 285. Shoot for at least 15 reps.
(Lol @ Oct. 21 2006,12:15)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Also, Icars, try it without dropping the loads. It's amazingly effective if you are feeling like you don't have your usual level of energy. I tried it and was amazed that I got throught the reps. You should feel a really deep strain type sensation (not like an injury though) but different to if you did 8 consecutive reps @ 285. Shoot for at least 15 reps.</div>
cheers lol,the sensation you discribe is exactly what i got,i was impressed by the pump i got also.

im gonna run it on my next mass cycle i think,gonna do some tests to determine the weights ill be using,or have you found that u use the same weights as your standard hst routine?i know the weight i used the other day amounted to the same number of reps for my 15s.
The weights are heavier than standard HST, check out the website, Dan has an entire excel spreadsheet to help plan your routine.  I just finished abulking cycle in which I started doing (20 max-stim reps) 90% of 6rm, and every two weeks I bumped it up 5%, After I got to 105% of my 6rm, I realized my strength was increasing so fast I jumped right to 110% of my previous 6 rm, since my old 6rm wasn't my 6 rm anymore!
In the middle of my cycle I tested my 1rm on bench and hit a pr of 205, three weeks later I tested it again and hit 233 lb.s!  So it seems to work extremely well for strength as well as size.  Alot more info. is posted at the website, click on the hyper-link in my signature.  -Oh yeah, and I am gaining all this mass and strength naturally, I never thought it was possible.  Max-stim on gear, who knows what will happen!