So i've substituted barbell curls for chinups-BW... how should I go about doing them?


New Member

I replaced curls with bodyweight chinups...

I did 3 sets of 8... it was kinda tiring after benching and doing pullups but i dont feel it in my biceps much.
I've heard chinups are better for building the biceps than curls so I decided to switch over.
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Mate, I totally agree. I built most of my bicep size with chin ups.

Hands shoulder width apart (as you would on the barbell for the curls) and go from hang, to touching the bar on your chest. Maybe they should be called 'chest-ups'
Feel them contract in the top position, and hold for a count of at least one second, then slowly lower.

I always make sure I stretch the bicep thoroughly afterwards too. Hold for at least 15-30 seconds per arm.
Make sure you concentrate on feeling it in your back too, as that is the much stronger muscle. As you add weight, your back will grow, the primary focus, but your bis will naturally have to grow too. Thats how compound movements work, and that is why they are the most efficient exercises...

As you add weight, you will grow, no question.

yea but its hard to add weights in this pullup station... the stairs and assistan thing always seems to hit the dumbell between my legs and it falls down -_- so i've been doing bodyweight .
I use a back pack to put the weights in when I do assisted chin-ups and dips. Probably wouldn’t work past 45 lbs. or so due to center of balance issues but since I’m not there yet it’s been working for me.