So Let me get this straight..


New Member
If my 15 RM for incline bench was 155, I would start at 130 x15, 135x15, 140x15, 145x15, 150x15, 155x15, then move to my 10 RM, which is 175, and I'd move back DOWN to 150x10, 155x10, 160x10, 165x10, 170x10, and 175 x10? So I'd be doing the same weight (150 lbs and 155 lbs) I did for 15 reps on week 1-2 for 10 reps on week 3-4???
that looks good to me, there nothing wrong with a little zigg-zagging as its reffered to.

If you want to aviod zigg zagging you can always just repeat a load or 2. Ie 10RM 160x10, 160x10, 1650x10, 165x10, 170x10, and 175 x10

ive often do this with success.

Good luck with it all
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that looks good to me, there nothing wrong with a little zigg-zagging as its reffered to.

If you want to aviod zigg zagging you can always just repeat a load or 2. Ie 10RM 160x10, 160x10, 1650x10, 165x10, 170x10, and 175 x10

ive often do this with success.

Good luck with it all

I'd only add to this that when I need to repeat I prefer to repeat at the end of a micro cycle. In this case I'd use 175 twice. The heavier the loads are more likely to be effective for more than one workout.