So what if someone wanted to just maintain?


New Member
The next 3 months are going to be pretty hectic for me. I will be taking a mid-tour (30 day vacation back home away from Korea) soon and the two months following will be lots of work and preparing to leave this place permanently. So basically what I am saying is the next the 3 months the consistency of my diet and workout are going to suffer, it’s inevitable. So I am looking to just maintain my current level of strength and get back to the normal HST routine once I return home for good and my life kinda levels back out again.

I was thinking of doing about the middle weights of my 5's routine. But I am, of course, open to suggestion and curious what you guys think I should do.

Thanks in advance,
to maintane your muscle i think that it was stated on here once,that doing your 10rm 1 x a wk would do it.
(faz @ Dec. 03 2007,07:01)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">to maintane your muscle i think that it was stated on here once,that doing your 10rm 1 x a wk would do it.</div>
does this mean working out once a week?

If so, interesting...wouldn't think that would be enough...

But hey what do I know
Needless to say that you can get closer to failure than ever before works...I did it last summer and maintained what I had.
Like the guys said, a once a week full body routine should be enough to maintain. Personally, I'd stick more to a 5 RM and maybe 3 RM on a few, but up to 10 RM should be good.
also remember to keep your diet in check as this can make you lose gains nearly as fast as not training can.
(lcars @ Dec. 05 2007,14:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">also remember to keep your diet in check as this can make you lose gains nearly as fast as not training can.</div>
Wise words.

Thanks for the info guys.

The diet shouldn't a be a problem. I will have a few bad moments with holiday eating and being back in America for the first time in 9 months. But I intend to keep it as good and clean as I can.

For the purpose of maintaining I would try to GAIN. As Faz said, going to failure. You're not going to hurt anything by giving yourself DOMS for a few days, and back in the 80's, there was a bit of a movement believing that you could grow one one workout a week. (I didn't believe it then; don't now, but for a new guy...maybe)
Stay excited. Make mental preparations for that workout. Get your nutrition in line for it. Make it count, and it will.

If it looks like you won't have time or energy for the full Monty, leave off iso's, abwork, or anything that you can do later with lesser equipment and do a split.
Personally I would do one kick ass routine like 5x5 per muscle group once a week.

Hell you are already at the gym so why not go balls to the wall its just 1 hour out of one week!