Some Adjustment i made to the HST.Good or Bad?please help.


New Member
Hello guys how you doin,so i'm wondering about one thing.
I made couple adjustments in Vanilla HST routine.
So my compound lifts which are squats,deads,incline bench press,dips,pull ups,bent over rows which are done every HST workout are ok. BUT i'm really concerned about isolation exercises. First of all, i completely negged those lateral raises and instead i just do 3 sets of shoulder presses,so it covers all 3 other shoulder exercises. Also instead of shrugs,i do upright row.
AND FINALLY, triceps.
For triceps i do close grip bench press instead of skullcrushers or tri extensions. Is it ok?
Biceps are good. BUT is it ok to do close grip bench press instead of tri isos?
So Your routine would be

Incline Bench
Shoulder Presses
Upright Rows

This is a pretty daunting routine. How are you handleing the workload so far? If it seems to be alittle too much you may consider splitting it up into a A/B alternating routine as such

Incline Bench/Dips
Shoulder Press/Upright Rows

If the workload is not a problem then I would advise not adding any additional work for tri's because they are working hard on all the pressing movements so that should be plenty of stimulus. Your traps are also getting worked with the deads and upright rows so omitting shrugs is fine. Hope this helps and Good Luck!
nah man,it isn't too much. 2 sets each,peace of cake.
The thing is,i want to get big triceps while on the HST program,that's why i've added one set of cgbp
I think the close grip is a good choice then for what you are trying to achieve. Looks like a solid routine. Good luck
So Your routine would be

Incline Bench
Shoulder Presses
Upright Rows

This is a pretty daunting routine. How are you handleing the workload so far? If it seems to be alittle too much you may consider splitting it up into a A/B alternating routine as such

Incline Bench/Dips
Shoulder Press/Upright Rows

If the workload is not a problem then I would advise not adding any additional work for tri's because they are working hard on all the pressing movements so that should be plenty of stimulus. Your traps are also getting worked with the deads and upright rows so omitting shrugs is fine. Hope this helps and Good Luck!

i be damn, i will try this routine after i finish my current HST hehe.... sounds very comprehensive
That's the same exact routine I'm thinking about following next cycle, except I sub Leg Press for Squat and alternate Leg Press/Deadlift. It pretty much covers every major muscle in the body, and contains only compound movements.
I think your triceps are getting enough stimulation as is (dips -big one-, incline bench, shoulder press).

Good luck