Some feed back would be useful


New Member
Hi there guys, I've been in HST forum for a year but only now do I dare to get into the bullfighting ring. I have the following case, experience sharing and inquiry to see if any of you have a similar experience (it will be rather lengthy):

As many guys here I used to weight lift using HIT principles, which gave me good results. After getting married I quit
but after 12 years I am coming back
, so as you can see I am not a kid anymore. I tried to re-take my HIT oriented routines with the outcome that you might imagine.. tons of injuries, especially my lower back.... but, somehow while surfing the web I run into this site and decided to apply the HST principles... hmmm, I can not complain either, after 1 full macrocycle (if we can call it that way) no injuries whatsoever and applying cardio 3-4 times a week for half an hour at 5am, empty stomach, in 4 months I got down to a decent level of fat (9% now from 25% BF when started...1% bf per week down the drain), well defined muscles and some increase in arms, chest, calves, legs measurements... so, I am a happy camper so far.... HOWEVER !!!!.....there is a problem, I really find a pain in the neck to try to match the weights in my worksheet with what is available at the gym, mixing some plates in lbs with some other in is a mess for my 45 minute goal....and also he he he, it is my nature always to experiment; so, for this new cycle I have started applying a twist to my routines for 2 weeks now and I feel great and I may be seeing visions but it looks like the muscles are growing faster and more defined and definitely more soreness (perhaps the change has caught my muscles off-guard), it is the following:

instead of keeping constant the reps for each cycle (15's, 10's, etc.) while increasing the weight in each workout, I am doing the other way around which would be to keep my 10RM's constant and increase the reps during each workout by a factor of 1 or 2...... for instance starting with 10RM'sx10 reps, next workout 11, then 12, etc. up to 15 and only then increase the weight to my 5RM's and start again at 5 or 8 or whatever I can push/pull .... the advantage that I see besides solving the mess at the gym is that it guarantees that in each set I am giving it all out because if today 10 reps was almost impossible you can bet that for my next workout 11-12 reps will be even more challenging... as opposed in the pure form of HST, whenever I was below my 15RM's, 10RM's or 5RM's I was not feeling I was giving it all out, except for the last 3 workouts of the cycle.

If you are curious attached is my routine right now, I try to keep perfect form, I don't care about beating poundage world records... focus on slow eccentric movement, more or less with the following protocol 2,0,3/4,0; except for back and arms which is 2,1/2,3/4,0

Any feedback??... thanks and keep the fever
You should audit the weights you have in you gym and then build the cycle around that!

I know what a pain it is to fiddle with weights up and down, when my partner comes, which lately is quite seldom, we have this situation.

If you don't have too much d/b stuff (isolations) then it should be quite easy to manage.

I know some of the guys are doing the same as you, but I myself can't really comment as I haven't tried it that way.

If it works, what the heck
it is still an hypertrophy principle just in a different way I suppose.
he he he, thanks Fausto, you have now the infamous honour to be the first guy who replied my post

I agree with you... it still apply hypertrophy principle but sometimes I think that if Bryan Haycock  reads my post he will kick my butt out of this forum for "contaminating" his method, he he he.....