Some insights someone starting HST


New Member
Hey guys, so I'm not no HST expert, but I just wanted to share my thoughts on my Day 1 of my first HST cycle with some of you guys. I have been lifting for 2 years prior, mainly strength training and low reps.

As a new HSTer, I kept questioning on "how many exercises, how many sets, it seems so little, etc." I'm sure everyone that is thinking about starting HST has these questions or similar in mind.

So after my Day 1 of my first HST cycle ever, I WAS TOAST. Coming off a SD made every workout alot harder, in addition I always thought 1x15 was too little and planned to do 2x15 if it was too little. But man, after doing 1x15, my heart was pounding (muscles felt pumped but not too an extreme.) The lactic acid felt good, and the high rep sets got my cardio game up there. I was catching my breath from set to set, feeling my heart pump. This effect was kicking in only halfway through my workout.

My main point is first any new HSTer, 1x15, 2x10, 3x5 should be really good. It may seem very little but try it first. Just wanted to share my thoughts.

One last thing, I didn't even get to finish my last 2 exercises because my finger got cut my a machine, so I may have to start the HST cycle over when I recover.

Workout today:
Leg Press
Inc. DB Press
Military Press
Calf Raises
Cable Crunch
Lateral Raises
Curls (didn't get to do)
Tri Ext. (didn't get to do)
Hey guys, so I'm not no HST expert, but I just wanted to share my thoughts on my Day 1 of my first HST cycle with some of you guys. I have been lifting for 2 years prior, mainly strength training and low reps.

As a new HSTer, I kept questioning on "how many exercises, how many sets, it seems so little, etc." I'm sure everyone that is thinking about starting HST has these questions or similar in mind.

So after my Day 1 of my first HST cycle ever, I WAS TOAST. Coming off a SD made every workout alot harder, in addition I always thought 1x15 was too little and planned to do 2x15 if it was too little. But man, after doing 1x15, my heart was pounding (muscles felt pumped but not too an extreme.) The lactic acid felt good, and the high rep sets got my cardio game up there. I was catching my breath from set to set, feeling my heart pump. This effect was kicking in only halfway through my workout.

My main point is first any new HSTer, 1x15, 2x10, 3x5 should be really good. It may seem very little but try it first. Just wanted to share my thoughts.

One last thing, I didn't even get to finish my last 2 exercises because my finger got cut my a machine, so I may have to start the HST cycle over when I recover.

Workout today:
Leg Press
Inc. DB Press
Military Press
Calf Raises
Cable Crunch
Lateral Raises
Curls (didn't get to do)
Tri Ext. (didn't get to do)
hi,i am also new in the hst game and after reading the principles and some threads i am doubting about the number of sets the guys are performing.what i mean is i can fully agree with 1 set for the 15's but have some serious doubts about 2 sets for the 10's and completely about 3 sets for the 5's..
is hst not all about 1 set for each exercise and maybe maximum 2 sets but never to failure? doing 2 or 3 sets sounds like overtraining to me and i think i will stick to the 1 set principle,at least i will try it.
2x10 and 3x5 shouldn't be too much if your have only a few good compound exercises. As I progress to the next mesocycles, I am most likely going to drop some or all the isolation workouts. Also I think for HST, we want to maintain the same volume (rep x set) while progressively adding weights. Correct me on that though, I'm not 100% either. 3x5 shouldn't be too bad if we're at like 75%, until the 100% then it's game time.
2x10 and 3x5 shouldn't be too much if your have only a few good compound exercises. As I progress to the next mesocycles, I am most likely going to drop some or all the isolation workouts. Also I think for HST, we want to maintain the same volume (rep x set) while progressively adding weights. Correct me on that though, I'm not 100% either. 3x5 shouldn't be too bad if we're at like 75%, until the 100% then it's game time.

good question! i am also not sure about that volume principle.i am wondering:is this an essential hst principle?i mean to maintain the same volume? i know only from my experience that in the past i was doing too many sets to failure what limited my progress and caused overtraining.from what i know about my body i just think that doing 3 sets of 5's even without failure 3 times per week for 2 or more weeks will lead me again to overtraining.i train natural without drugs,only whey and creatine and eat healthy and enough.i just want to do it right now and are tired of making always the same mistakes..but this is just personal.
The idea behind doing something like 1x15, 2x10, and 3x5 is to keep the relative volume close to the same during each rep range. Also there is a minimum effective volume necessary to generate enough time under tension to elicit a grow response from your muscles. How many reps that really is depends on the person and how long they have already been lifting effectively, but I would go much below 15-20 reps in each rep range. Also, there is nothing to say you couldn’t do 2x15, 3x10, and 6x5, though 6x5 would be killer when it gets heavy.

My preference it so shoot for a number of target reps 40-60 minimum per body part. That seems to be the range that has the greatest effect on stimulating muscle growth. How I get there is by any means necessary, straight sets, clustering, or even singles all depending on the exercise and my goals for that movement or body part.
No it’s per session. However, it could be a combination of exercises like Dip, Incline Bench and Shoulder Press. Do 20 reps of each and that 60 reps for Chest, Front Delts and Triceps. However, I don’t always do a minimum of 40 reps on all standalone exercises like Lateral Raises. I usually do around 30 reps on these since I use Myo-reps which are more efficient than doing something like 4 sets of 10. Also, I may exceed the 60 rep mark if I’m also working that body part as a weakness. I’m doing that for my Triceps right now.