Some question about my first HST cycle


New Member
Hello guys,

Initially, I would like apologise if this question is very simple, I think that it is :rolleyes:

If I build my workout knowing all my 15,10 and 5´s maxes, how some forum friends say that they are more strong and achieve new maxes in a same HST cycle?? I don´t understand this.

Maybe may be because my english é limited, cuz I´m brazilian ( we speak portuguese ) .But I´m work hard to understand the english language to participate this forum ...

Other question that I don´t get assimilate, what weigths I´m should use after 5´ reps maxes cycle, I would repeat the same 5´s microcyle since the firts workout or It´s different??

More a time, sorry for my poor english.
Hi Fox


I will see if I can help you.

Question 1
If you know your max weights for 5s, 10s and 15s you can put your programme together, do a search for a thread on here called simplify and win, it will give you some good advice on how to put your exercises together

If you choose Squats as one of your exercises and you are training 3 times a week, I would start as follows

If my 15s max weight for squat was 100kg I would start my first session of 15s with 75kg or 75% of my max weight. I would then increase the weight in each of my remaining 5 sessions by 5kg per session.

I then start my 10s using my next to last weight from my 15s for squats, so I would start with 95kg and build upto my max weight for 10s over the 6 training sessions, I would follow the same for routine for my 5s'

I normally do 4 weeks of 5s and the last 12 sessiosn would normally be a new PB for me each session.

Question 2
When I start my next HST cycle (after a minimum 14 days rest, no weight training at all) I would start with my Squat at 80kg and finish at 105kg at the end of my 15s. I will then follow the process as described above.

The HST programme will enable you to gain size and you will naturally gain some strength, however if your aim is for strength you might be better on a different type of programme.

The best advice would be to follow a standard HST cycle and see how you like it and then you can decide from there, what have you got to lose?

Good luck and I hope the above makes some sense and helps answer your questions.

Hi Fox


I will see if I can help you.

Question 1
If you know your max weights for 5s, 10s and 15s you can put your programme together, do a search for a thread on here called simplify and win, it will give you some good advice on how to put your exercises together

If you choose Squats as one of your exercises and you are training 3 times a week, I would start as follows

If my 15s max weight for squat was 100kg I would start my first session of 15s with 75kg or 75% of my max weight. I would then increase the weight in each of my remaining 5 sessions by 5kg per session.

I then start my 10s using my next to last weight from my 15s for squats, so I would start with 95kg and build upto my max weight for 10s over the 6 training sessions, I would follow the same for routine for my 5s'

I normally do 4 weeks of 5s and the last 12 sessiosn would normally be a new PB for me each session.

Question 2
When I start my next HST cycle (after a minimum 14 days rest, no weight training at all) I would start with my Squat at 80kg and finish at 105kg at the end of my 15s. I will then follow the process as described above.

The HST programme will enable you to gain size and you will naturally gain some strength, however if your aim is for strength you might be better on a different type of programme.

The best advice would be to follow a standard HST cycle and see how you like it and then you can decide from there, what have you got to lose?

Good luck and I hope the above makes some sense and helps answer your questions.


Hi Kev, thanks for your reply

Then what the guys do is elevate the weitgh just on the next cycle??

Do you would be more specific about your 5´s that you use 4 weeks.
Hi Fox

Yes, effectgively ellevat the weight in thnetx cycle to continuallly keep the weights increasing.

On my 5s' i plan the two week cycle as I do with my 15s and 5s. I simply add the same ratio of weight to each session. For expample if I used 5kg increases each session I woudl continue to do this after tmy normal 2 weeks haev finished.

I usually find that I end dropping down to 3 sets of 3 reps. I normally call it a day then and start my SD. During these extra sessions I will try to do as many negative type exercises as I can. So I will chaneg me last two week around a little dependign on how I am feeling.

Best to do a couple of HST cycles and you will soon fin dwaht works or doesn't work for you.

Hi Fox

Yes, effectgively ellevat the weight in thnetx cycle to continuallly keep the weights increasing.

On my 5s' i plan the two week cycle as I do with my 15s and 5s. I simply add the same ratio of weight to each session. For expample if I used 5kg increases each session I woudl continue to do this after tmy normal 2 weeks haev finished.

I usually find that I end dropping down to 3 sets of 3 reps. I normally call it a day then and start my SD. During these extra sessions I will try to do as many negative type exercises as I can. So I will chaneg me last two week around a little dependign on how I am feeling.

Best to do a couple of HST cycles and you will soon fin dwaht works or doesn't work for you.


In fact, I would try just my first cycle for observe what is the best to me

Kev, What your gains in your cycles??

Thank you man

What is the bigger difference between HST and HIT??

Cuz 2 use fullbody workout´s 3X-week, these 2 use load progression, would be just that HIT take until failure??

I have found HST because I like HIT and think that HST is more scientific, while HIT é more empiric
Hi m8

Ok I may not be the best to judge on but here goes

I am 43 and I would say a hard gainer when it comes to muscle, fats easy for me :)

Due to my job I only get to the Gymn twice a week and working away from home really screws my chances of sticking to a good diet. However I would say I am putting on 4 - 5lbs per cycle and I am keeping my weight consistant so not zig zagging. I am also slowly losing some body fat as well.

I am just coming to the end of my 4th Cycle and I estimate I will be around 18lb heavier than when I first started around 9 months ago adn 12 months after doign SL 5 x 5. My measured gains since startting HST are around

Kneck = 1.5"
Wrists = 2"
Chest = 3 "
Thighs = 2"
Calfs = 1"
Waist = same
Biceps = 1.5"
Forearms = .5"

I would say my best gains are in my back and traps which I dont really have a way of measuring, my clothes sort of fit me all better all over now and the wife says I have a butt which appernetly I didn't use to have. So both the Wife and I are happy with the gains and changes I can can see visually :) More so than on SL 5 x 5.

I probably do more squats and deadlifts than any other exercise and I also do plenty of military presses and power cleanse. I have not done much bench pressing and I do very little isolation work other than negs for my biceps.

Hope that helps, if you PM me your email address I have a couple of spreadsheets I adopted from my SL 5 x 5 which might help.

If you don´t have done much bench, how do you work your chest and triceps??

Very good results Kev.

Hi Fox

I do lots of dips and chins + weighted,

For some reason my Triceps just grow but I do struggle with my chest. I was aiming to get some size and strength into my back and then start benching.

Heavy squats and deadlifts pretty much hit everything and i think the cleans help as well.

Hi Fox

I do lots of dips and chins + weighted,

For some reason my Triceps just grow but I do struggle with my chest. I was aiming to get some size and strength into my back and then start benching.

Heavy squats and deadlifts pretty much hit everything and i think the cleans help as well.


Peolpe say that dips are not so good like bench, really I would like to do only dips in my chest workout, maybe add fly.

I don´t know "cleans", Do you can show a goob video about it??
If I build my workout knowing all my 15,10 and 5´s maxes, how some forum friends say that they are more strong and achieve new maxes in a same HST cycle?? I don´t understand this.

Maybe may be because my english é limited, cuz I´m brazilian ( we speak portuguese ) .But I´m work hard to understand the english language to participate this forum ...

Other question that I don´t get assimilate, what weigths I´m should use after 5´ reps maxes cycle, I would repeat the same 5´s microcyle since the firts workout or It´s different??

Your English is fine. Much better than my Portuguese!

My maxes went up during the 1st cycle. How? I'm no expert, but I think it is due to:

A) I may not have hit my true max while testing everything in one session (fatigue set in after testing max on first 3 or 4 lifts);
B) the linear progression stimulated my muscles and increased my strength as I went along

After the 5s, I elected to do sets of 3 reps so I could keep adding weight and hopefully continue the strength gains I had experienced throughout the cycle. I'm almost finished with the 3s. Check out my training log in the training log section if you want.
Your English is fine. Much better than my Portuguese!

My maxes went up during the 1st cycle. How? I'm no expert, but I think it is due to:

A) I may not have hit my true max while testing everything in one session (fatigue set in after testing max on first 3 or 4 lifts);
B) the linear progression stimulated my muscles and increased my strength as I went along

After the 5s, I elected to do sets of 3 reps so I could keep adding weight and hopefully continue the strength gains I had experienced throughout the cycle. I'm almost finished with the 3s. Check out my training log in the training log section if you want.

whistledixie, I would be happy if you understand what I say here =)

So, I used imagine that would be after 5´s that I´d know about my strength increment. But I feel confused with some posts that I have seen.

Show me a bit of your portuguese.
whistledixie, I would be happy if you understand what I say here =)

So, I used imagine that would be after 5´s that I´d know about my strength increment. But I feel confused with some posts that I have seen.

Show me a bit of your portuguese.

No, it doesnt take completing the entire cycle to know about strength gains. You just have to listen to your body as you go. I started noticing during the end of the 10s that I felt stronger. When it came to the final workout of the 10s, I lifted my previous max and then added more weight to see how I did. I managed to add 5 - 10 lbs on most every lift during that session. That trend continued as I went through the 5s.

I used to have a friend from Brazil that taught me a few phrases in Portuguese, but I can't recall any of it. Beautiful language, though!
Effective? That depends on what you want. If you want to get bigger and stronger, then yes, the sumo deadlift is effective -- muita efetiva...!

Yes TunnelRat, I want be bigger and stronger.

The effective question about sumo deadlift is that I fear if this exercise is so good as conventional deadlift, because I would want a exercise in same level of size and strong builder of deadlift and hit minus my lower back and I suppose that sumo deadlift is most "smooth" (this sounds good??) to my lower back.

What you think?
In my experience Sumo Dead Lifts place more work on the glutes, quads and hams making it easier on the spinal erectors (lower back). So if your goal is to Dead Lift and give your lower back less work then I think that Sumo is the best choice.

If you are already doing Conventional Dead Lifts and switching over to Sumo then I suggest you reduce the weight and work your way back up. Doing 15s/10s/5s is probably a good way to do it. Many people like me can lift more Sumo than Conventional but because it targets your muscles differently it’s a good idea to let your body adjust to the change in technique.
In my experience Sumo Dead Lifts place more work on the glutes, quads and hams making it easier on the spinal erectors (lower back). So if your goal is to Dead Lift and give your lower back less work then I think that Sumo is the best choice.

If you are already doing Conventional Dead Lifts and switching over to Sumo then I suggest you reduce the weight and work your way back up. Doing 15s/10s/5s is probably a good way to do it. Many people like me can lift more Sumo than Conventional but because it targets your muscles differently it’s a good idea to let your body adjust to the change in technique.

Thanks grunt,

I will give a try for sumo soon.

Here where I live, we have weak treiners that don´t about neither conventional deadlift, neither Bent Over Rows they know the correct execution.

I had that learn from foruns of other countries and youtube videos. However this is not the best way to learn effective but dangerous exercises.