some questions about HST


New Member
Sorry if some of the questions seem pretty basic, guys. I just came off my first cycle, and well, it was fantastic.

I just had a few things I wanted to clear up

1.) since you're supposed to be doing your RM during the last workout of each two week block (ex. you do your 10RM at the last workout with 10s) and increasing the weight every workout, it's right that you don't lift to failure, the first 5 workouts, right? (given that each two week block has 6 workouts)

2.) can i extend the 10s and 5s for longer than the set two weeks?

3.) thanks guys! i can't believe some people still dont use HST!
1) Correct

2) Yes you can extend the 10's and 5's if you want. Most people (as far as I know) don't extend the 10's though.

3) I can't believe it either.
(tripledouble @ Sep. 19 2007,10:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Sorry if some of the questions seem pretty basic, guys. I just came off my first cycle, and well, it was fantastic.

I just had a few things I wanted to clear up

1.) since you're supposed to be doing your RM during the last workout of each two week block (ex. you do your 10RM at the last workout with 10s) and increasing the weight every workout, it's right that you don't lift to failure, the first 5 workouts, right? (given that each two week block has 6 workouts)

2.) can i extend the 10s and 5s for longer than the set two weeks?

3.) thanks guys! i can't believe some people still dont use HST!A</div>
1) CORRECT. Not going to failure is important to not burning out your central nervous system
2)A lot of people have had good results with extending the 5s for several weeks. I don't know about the 10s.