some questions regarding hst


New Member
i just found my maxes, and before i start the cycle in a week, i just needed some clarification.

so zig-zagging is when you use the same weights in your next mesocycle right? if i did 100,105,110,115,120,125 for squats for 15 reps. and then did 125,130,135,140,145,150 for my 10 reps, would that be zig zagging as i did 125 again? also, for things like incline dumbbell curls, my 15 rep max is 17.5 and 10 rep max is 20, so that means i HAVE to zig-zag right?

also, say i miss a rep when im performing the excercise, or say i cant do all the reps im supposed to do and im 1-2 off, what do i do? do i stop well before i fail, take a bit of a rest, then finish off the rest of the reps?
Zig zag is a result of the planning technique. It is neither a problem nor a requirement. However, it can sometimes be a nice change.

also, say i miss a rep when im performing the excercise, or say i cant do all the reps im supposed to do and im 1-2 off, what do i do? do i stop well before i fail, take a bit of a rest, then finish off the rest of the reps?
Yup, stop well before failure, rest, then finish. There is no hurry.

Fatigue does not seem to be a factor in muscle growth. However, TUT (Time Under Tension) is; so get those reps in.
so zig-zagging is when you use the same weights in your next mesocycle right? if i did 100,105,110,115,120,125 for squats for 15 reps. and then did 125,130,135,140,145,150 for my 10 reps, would that be zig zagging as i did 125 again? also, for things like incline dumbbell curls, my 15 rep max is 17.5 and 10 rep max is 20, so that means i HAVE to zig-zag right?

To build on what TunnelRat wrote, zig zagging is neither something to be avoided or required, it just happens depending on how you plan your cycle. Sometimes you plan for it toward the heavier end of a cycle to get some relief, sometimes you repeat weights or adjust your increments to avoid it. Overall it's what you begin with and end at that really matters. Don't worry about whether every individual workout is optimal compared to the last and the next, because they never will be so why bother? It's about chronic stimulus over time, so keep your eye on the big picture and the major metrics of frequency, volume, and overall weight progression over the whole cycle, not necessarily progression from workout to workout, because unless you'res superman progression from workout to workout won't always seem optimal. You'll get some zig zagging and some repeated weights. Don' sweat it.