Somebody SET us up the HST!


New Member
For those of you who don't know the relevance of the topic of this post...  

Check this link out:  

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I'm sure that this is already somewhere on the site, and forgive me for I cannot seem to find it!

So I'm beginning to use more of a “simplify and win” routine.


Squat (1 set)
Deadlift (1 set)
Bench Press (2 sets)
Military Press (1 set)
Lat Pull down (1 set)
Abs (1 set)

Total at the end of the week = 6 or more "sets" per body part. I'll explain...

I'm doing this every Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

I've simply been doing one set and moving on to the next with the exception of bench press.

My reasoning being:

I hit my back and bi's 2x a day with both deadlifts and also lat pull downs.

I also hit my chest and tris 2x a day with bench press

And I hit my legs 2x a day with squats and deadlifts

I also hit my shoulders 3x a day with bench press and military.

So that’s a total of 6 or more "Sets" a week for each body part.

Just to make this clear: I am NOT doing 2x a day in any exercise except Bench Press I am thinking that, for example, by adding deadlifts to lat pull downs that equals 2x for both back and bi’s.

Is this correct reasoning? Or should I be doing more sets?

Thanks for the input!
From How many sets and how to determine it:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
If you are doing HST properly you won't be able to just increase your volume at will. If you are doing HST properly you should already be using as much volume as you can reasonably handle and still feel healthy (no injuries etc).

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
Increase volume if:

You are never sore
You are never tired
You are not growing

Maintain volume if:

You are slightly sore most of the time
You are tired enough to sleep well, but not so tired you lose motivation to train.
You are noticeably “fuller”

Decrease volume if:

You are experiencing over use pain, and strain symptoms in joints and/or muscles.
You are tired and irritable all the time, yet don’t sleep well.
Strength levels are significantly decreasing.

Thanks for the reply!

So basically, the answer is: Play it by ear, push it to the edge without overdoing it.

Fairly subjective, but I think I can figure it out.

I'm already in the second week of my 5's at this point, so I'll keep my routine steady. Next time I'll experiment with increasing the volume a bit.

This is kinda fun!
Although I am not Tot, I'll attempt to give some further guidance!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So basically, the answer is: Play it by ear, push it to the edge without overdoing it.</div>

Almost right.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm already in the second week of my 5's at this point, so I'll keep my routine steady. Next time I'll experiment with increasing the volume a bit.</div>

I hear you, although you should've posted a little earlier as you are wasting a whole HST program IMO. This because your volume should stay constant or almost like 15 reps right thorugh so:

15 x 1/ 10 x 1.5 or 2/ 5 x 3 get my drift? This is because by the time you on 5's even though you have increased the poundage your volume has dropped 30% or so, which will be counter-productive.

Here's my opinion for a productive program, mind you it is just a suggestion:

Squat/Deadlift - alternate these two, or at least do so from the 5's onwards, kinda saves your lower back when the weights get heavy.
Inclined Bench Press/dips a good mix if alternated
Military Press - Use right through, progress to OHP on 5's and beyond.
Rather use Chin ups (reverse grip) and alternate with Pendlay rows
Abs (1 set)


I really appreciate your help! Even if you think I wasted a perfectly good opportuinty to maximize my HST cycle

Anyhow, I'm cutting now, and I did have a much higher volume training routine riddled with a bunch of different iso's in there.

As the volume got pretty intense I just cut down to the simplify and win methodology.

I like the simplify and win methodology, it makes sense and I'll keep working with this for a good long while.

I'd love to alternate exercises! My main question with that would be:

-Wouldn't alternating cause you to cut the overall volume of squats/deadlifts, Incline Bench/Dips, etc, in half?

For example: If I did squats and deadlifts every day at 15 sets, at the end of the week I'd have done 45 sets for each. If I alternated each, I'd only have done 30 for squats and 15 deadlifts.

If I were to continue that throughout a two week cycle I do understand that it would equal out to both having 60 sets for 2 weeks.

However, if you were to NOT alternate then you could get 90 rather than 60.

You see where I'm going with this?


<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">-Wouldn't alternating cause you to cut the overall volume of squats/deadlifts, Incline Bench/Dips, etc, in half?</div>

I don't bother too much with those details but they are important, here's what most of us do:

1 - We alternate Full Deadlifts with squats because it gets too much for the lower back to handle, specially when you get to the 5's.

2 - Most of us stick to doing deadlifts once p/week thus sacrificing volume yes, but it is a good compromise, to fix this you can do say 4 sets of deadlifts (which I think it is high) and split squats to 2 sets 2 x week, so you equate volume, but as I said I at least don't go through all this splitting.

3 - Some would prefer to keep a higher volume during the 15's and 10's and then only when reaching the 5's start splitting into A/B workouts, that is the other option.

4 - I and many other prefer to use alternated exercises as they give one a cahnce to use a lot more exercise p/bodypart than just doing one type right through, you can always be highly analyttical and empirical and keep your volume excatly constant, in this case you would use a A/B/C split with one exercise each p/ bodypart (except the squats/deadlifts), that way you would have 1 set each once p/ week and volume would be equalized.

Some may argue that you get the same stimulus by just using Benchpress right though, I beg to differ.

Hope this rant helps!

Thanks again for all your help!

I think I'll just use a split next time and equal out the volume by going variations similar to what is posted below:

M Squat
W Deadlift
F Squat

M Deadlift
W Squat
F Deadlift


So basically ABA, BAB Repeat

Volume should equal out on it's own this way.

However there will still be a lower overall volume than if you hit all of these on the same day M, W, and F.

I'm willing do deal with that though

but you are still working the same muscles every day on an A,B, splitjust different exercises,ie A,db-bench, B, incline-bench,chest is still being worked every workout.

That's exactly why I had some confusion about the A/B split programs.

Because you are working chest every day, and in some cases tris every day, and shoulders every day etc.

When you are doing a Deadlift day, then you aren’t working legs... much...

But then you ARE working chest, tris, shoulders etc. every day.

So does that provide a &quot;lopsided&quot; workout routine?

For example in this A/B routine:

Squat/Deadlift - (Lower body/Sort of lower body)
Inclined Bench Press/dips - (Upper body/Upper body)
Military Press - (Upper body/Upper body)
Chin ups (reverse grip)/Pendlay rows - (Upper body/ Upper body)
Abs (1 set) - (Upper body)

Would it be too focused on upper body? Because every day of this split is focused on upper body, and only half the time it has a true focus on lower body (squats).

I do realize that Deadlifts do work your hamstrings, but is this enough lower body stimulation to balance this type of A/B split?

It is, the lower body workouts with just squat/deadlift if you use enough weight are brutal on their own!