sore during 15s? ( and other HST questions)


New Member
Am i suppose to feel sore during the 15s? I just did my second day of 15s yesterday and do not feel sore at all.

when do am i suppose to feel sore 10s or 5s?

another question...
my exercises are:
bench press
shoulder press
stiff leg deadlifts
t bar row
tricep pushdown
bench curl

I don't have exercises specifically for abs, forearms, and calves so would be OK if i train those muscles without using HST princples (like using normal exercise regimen)?
By sore do you mean "pumped up" after a workout or do you mean sore the next day (DOMS)?

I'm on my 3rd day of the 10s and haven't had anything close to DOMS and only a little "pumped up", but then's been pretty figures to get much harder in the latter days of the 10s, 5s and the final 2 weeks seem like they will be KILLER.
Just do abs like you normally don't want or need to use HST principles for abs.

For forearms, I'm not sure.

For calves, you will want to use HST principles.
Sounds like you are talking about DOMS. I have found that the better and longer I SD, the more sore I get during the first few workouts in the 15's. But that is just me and everyone is different.

Remember that lack of soreness does not mean you have not had a good workout.
I agree with everything Spyke said. Also, I don't think any workouts should be easy. If you SD properly and start at a proper weight I think every workout should be someone challenging. Doesn't have to kill you, but it should be easy. As far as the soreness thing goes though, I think Spyke pretty much covered it
Like the guys have said, DOMS is not necessary for you to have had an effective workout. Like wwewrestlingguy I tend to get a little sore at the start of the 15s if I have done a 2 week SD. If I SD for one week only then the soreness is reduced. During 10s and 5s I seem to have a little soreness all the time.

For most exercises, if your calculated starting weight for 15s is less than around 50% of your 5RM you may want to change your increments.

eg. If for an exercise your 5RM was 200lb and your 15RM was 130lb you might have planned out your 15s with 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130. However, I reckon it would be better to start with 100 and work up to 130 somehow. Perhaps 100, 110, 110, 120, 120, 130 or 100, 100, 115, 115, 130, 130 or some other route?

If you have started with less than 50% of your 5RM you can always do more reps if it feels really light. I tend to do around 20-25 reps the first week of 15s just to really get a burn, but I am only doing one set of each exercise and I always start with a weight that is around 50% of my 5RM weight.

Be careful how you apply this though as if you tried to do this for dips you would need to include your body weight in the calc. So if you weighed 200lb and your 5RM was with 100lb added weight you might not need to add weight at the start of 15s (50% of 300lb = 150lb, still 50lb less than bodyweight. Using bodyweight at start of 15s would be about 200/300 = 66% of 5RM).

Re forearms: If you avoid using straps for chins, bent over rows, SLDLs and shrugs you will not need to do any direct forearm work. If you find that this compromises your heavier sets then just use straps sparringly until your forearms have caught up. I still have to use straps for shrugs as by then my forearms are shot!

My workout is similar to yours. To find out my weight, I spent a week finding how many reps I could get for a specific weight. Say I could lift 50lbs dumbbells 8 times. Using formulas found online, Id calculate the max weight I could lift 15 times. I made a spread sheet to do these calculations for me for every exercise I did in that week. On the first monday, Id be doing less weight than the 15 rep max, but then the next time I go to the gym I increase the weight. On the second Friday of my 15's I would be lifting 100% of my 15 rep max. After you determine these, SD for at least 11 days.

I found my abs were sore the first day from one set of decline weighted situps with a 10lbs weight which i hold behind my neck. My second wednesday 80-90% of 15 rep max, my chest, biceps were sore as well as my legs and butt from the squates.

If your not sore after the second friday, take a longer SD next time. I just did my second Friday this morning, I am still a little sore from wednesday and I bet Ill be really sore tomorrow.

Next weeks Ill be doing 2 sets of 10 with higher weight so my body should be shocked by the extra 5 reps and the increase in reps.

If you want I cant send you my spreadsheet and you can edit the exercises that I have with the ones you do.