Sorry, One more question


New Member
Sorry guys if I'm being a pain but I have one more question.. have any of you tried bulking and cutting within the same cycle? in other words, maintain during the 15's, buld during 10's and 1st week of 5's, then cut during the last 3 weeks of 5's??

would this work in terms of building some muscle and also keeping body fat in check? or is this a real dumb idea?
Generally its a good idea to work on Bulking or Cutting but not both at the same time.

The way you are describing it above in your post would not be enough time IMO to add much if any real mass gain.

There was a diet expirement with years ago that was made popular by Bill Phillips from EAS were you basically did a bulk for 3 to 4 weeks followed by a cut.

Im not sure but I think it has been debated here many times and has proved to be crap.

The best advice that I have seen and I have seen work is to Bulk until 15% bf and cut to about 10% and even this becomes hard to gain mass with after many years of lifting.
Mini-bulks aren't necessarily crap; it just depends on your situation. It's done by some. To step one further, Tom Venuto recommends neither, but a very slow bulk, and look how HE'S built. Supposedly natural, since that's what he's all about. His diet is pretty doable too.
well, I am still learning my body and how many calories to eat. I think I just ate too much during the first 2 cycles. I gained about 17 pounds in almost 4 months..

I think next bulk, I'll try to cut the cals a bit and gain at a little slower pace.
(SoxFan @ Mar. 23 2008,18:39)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">well, I am still learning my body and how many calories to eat. I think I just ate too much during the first 2 cycles. I gained about 17 pounds in almost 4 months..

I think next bulk, I'll try to cut the cals a bit and gain at a little slower pace.</div>
I did that -- I ate too much during my first two cycles. As a result I put on a lot of fat along with my new muscle. I've spent the past six months trying to cut the suet...
Yeah it a catch 22.

If you eat to much you put on muscle with fat gain...but then again not enough and you can spin your wheel.

Normally speaking when I am trying to stay lean and look good my cycles are Fun but not productive...but once summer is over and I eat whatever I want I tend to grow the most!

Also the body works against the way we would like it. Normally speaking and I guess this is due to partioning the body loses fat like the following:

The first place you gain fat is normally the last place that it comes off the body in a cut.

So for me I have to drop more weight than normal to get the last bit of pooch off my my stomach during a cut.

But also the opposite happens for our benefit.

Normally coming off a good hard cut the body will add the extra calories throughout your body and then slowly getting back to your gut.

Again its a catch 22 that I read about over at Lyles site and it is very true in my expierence!
Bulking, cutting, bulking, cutting, etc. is not the healthiest way to get more LBM.

Look into continuous, clean, slow, bulking (unless you are grossly overweight to begin with).
here is my 2cents.

your plan for bulking, only at a slower pace, is a good idea since now you have a better idea of your &quot;needed&quot; calorie intake.

dieting (up or down) is a lot like lifting. just think of your 1st cycle of HST and how many questions came up as you went along and how much better your cycle set-up is now. your diet is the same way. no sense trying to &quot;slow bulk&quot; or fine tune macros etc. if your just begining and dont even have a clear idea of cal levels for gaining, cutting, maint.

imo, folks should start big picture......... vanilla HST, basic compounds etc and as knowledge/exper. grows your w/o begins to change to suit you and your goals.
diet is the same. start counting cals and eating for your goals (bulk or cut). keep protein at a good level (typically @1g per lb) and see how it goes. once you get a good idea of how your body responds (this sounds like where your at now) then start adjusting if need be. more/less cals or various diet strategies involving carbs/fats/pro. whatever.

you seem on the right track. its really not all that complicated but you do need time to slowly digest (no pun intended) how your body is responding to both the w/os and the diet startegy. too many folks tweak the HST w/os right out of the gate and attempt to devise the &quot;perfect&quot; diet plan to start.........these things are pretty difficult, if not impossible, without estab. at least some type of base line.

anyway, good luck.
again i think your on the right track
Thanks everyone for your feedback.. I really appreciate it. I'm learning alot as I go so that is the main thing.
I really enjoy HST and I plan on sticking with it...
(Old and Grey @ Mar. 24 2008,12:38)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Bulking, cutting, bulking, cutting, etc. is not the healthiest way to get more LBM.

Look into continuous, clean, slow, bulking (unless you are grossly overweight to begin with).</div>
O&amp;G speaks of wisdom, unless of course you have a deadline to meet!
(Totentanz @ Mar. 24 2008,19:00)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">For what it is worth, I agree completely with blue's post.</div>
We all seem to agree with all of his posts... Nomination for HST Expert?