Sort of like "HST"

the RK

New Member
Just wondering if I could use the format of HST to create a HIT style workout. I don't really care for the 15s, so what I would like to do is do the 10s for 4 weeks, and then the 5s for 2-4 weeks, then repeat. Also, instead of working towards my 10 rep max, I would just load a weight that I could lift 8-10 reps, and once I could get 10, increase the weight. Basically I'd be following all of the HST principles except I would be doing the 2 weeks of 15s, and I'd do 4 weeks of 10s.

Just a thought.
What you'll really be doing here is pretty much staying at the same weight for four weeks during 10s and then increasing the weight for 5s and staying at pretty much this new weight for a further four weeks. You won't benefit from much of a weight progression (as you would with HST) but there should be some progression if you haven't been training HIT for too long already and hit a plateau. I suspect that you won't benefit as much as you could over the 8 week time frame and if you don't SD I think you might find that after the first cycle your progress is pretty poor. Still, it's great when others are willing to try things out. Let us know how you get on.
I absolutely agree with LOL, if you don't SD you'll end up thinking HST is a lot of boloney when it is not!

You can do what you're saying but you should still SD, and even if you don't like the 15's, you'll do yourself a favour to do them for at least one week, it is not sweat of your back and your body will end up thanking you!

Strectching the 10's and 5 for 4 weeks is just fine, but not having much progression could hurt your gains big time and we like to teach the exact opposite!

Your best bet is to maybe stretch out the time frame yes, but go slower towards a goal using a slower progression but using one nevertheless else it's really a waste of time!

Anyhoo, MHO.
I really don't think you'll get very good results from this, compared to an HST cycle with 15s, 10s, 5s and negatives.
Forget about HIT. There's no need to train to failure. Keep increasing the load, do full-body workouts at least 3x a week, when you can't increase the load take 9-12 days off.
Thanks guys

Just to be clear, I was still planning on doing SD, I just forgot to mention it. As for the progression thing, I'll just stick to the HST style progression. But I was thinking of doing 10s during the weeks of 15s and then keep the 5s the same as HST says. The ONLY reason I was thinking about ditching the 15s is because I am using a home gym, and the weight I should be using wouldn't even feel like I am doing anything, I'd just be going through the motions. I know the 15s are beneficial, I've done them before when training with free weights, but like I said, I'm using a home gym this time. So basically, forget what I said in the first post, I'm basically gonna do HST except with an extra 2 weeks of 10s where the 15s should go.

How does that look
If you want to give a little extra, some guys like to do more reps during the 10s, when they aren't using their 10 RM, stopping a rep or two short of failure. I don't do it, but it might work for you.
All those guys are correct, they have mastered HST and as for me, I was doing exactly what you are planning on doing and the gains were just marginal (1/4" as the best)... HIT gan give you the strength and hypertrophy at the beginning while you increase the reps and going to failure all the time but once you increase the weight, that's it, you sort of plateau in hypertrophy... the reason is in the website downhere, read it, I got convinced and now use HST modified to include what this guy says about incrementig work and I tell you.... I feel just F great..... I think it will give me the results I am looking for... I am a lot more cut (it has to do with a 100 calorie/day superavit also) and my muscles feel like balooning, a lot more pump and next day better shape..... so, my advice from a frustrated HIT follower.... drop it !!!
You can find the analysis here
I guess I'm convinced, I'll just follow HST to a T. As far as my home gym limitations go, I'll just have to adjust for the 15s.
good, here I send you for your reference a design of my 3 cycles, 15reps, 10 reps and 5reps; so you can see what a design looks like in terms of increasing number of sets and progressive loading.... split in 2 posts because of the size