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how can you use the hst cycle and also specialize on one bodypart? Any ideas on how to change things to really bring up a weakness etc? I really need to bring up my arms, any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Austin
Supersetting in HST uses the same weight progression for each exercise that you normally would. And, with the superset concept there is little (or no) rest between exercises, only after both are done.[b said:Quote[/b] (shakeel @ July 11 2003,5:41)]fausto
do you find gains with supersettings?how do you incorporate supersets with hst?
what supersets do you recommend for lagging chest ,biceps,triceps.delts,back.legs?
for hst and supersetting you use the same weight progression for the supersets?do you take some rest between the 2 exercises for supersets?example 30 s?
[b said:Quote[/b] ]Fausto
Do you find gains with supersets?
Yes sir, they work quite well.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]How do you incorporate supersets with hst?
As Jsraaf pointed out you follow the same type of progression as per normal HST, bearing in mind that your load will be slightly lower than when doing a normal straight setfor obvious reasons ...he...he...he...your body would soon tell you anyway
[b said:Quote[/b] ]What supersets do you recommend for lagging
Depends on what you have available, but here's a few:
Decline d/b flyes/Flat d/b press
Incline d/b flyes/Flat b/b press
Cable cross overs/weighted dips rest max 30s between, the less rest the better they work.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]biceps
EZ curls/preacher d/b or ez curls
Arnold curls/reverse close grip chin ups to chest
Preacher ez curls/incline bench alternate d/b curls (45 - 60 degree)
Hope this helps:butbut[b said:Quote[/b] ]triceps,delts,back.legs?
- there are a few of each of those in my program just download it
[b said:Quote[/b] ]For hst and supersetting you use the same weight progression for the supersets?do you take some rest between the 2 exercises for supersets?example 30 s?
Jsraaf gives the appropriate answer to this so I will not repat it
Your concern stems from an outdated misunderstanding of how growth works. Your muscles are continuously reparing themselves, even while you are working out. A new session does not stop the previous repair work; it just adds more stimulus.[b said:Quote[/b] (Stud_From_Wsburg @ July 10 2003,8:15)]I use to always think this too, but what happens to the muscles? Do they have enough repair time? (In this case that edziu pointed out, the tris and bis are being worked 6 times a week.)
Sorry, I was thinking supersetting antagonistic parts, which is what I'm doing right now.... duh.[b said:Quote[/b] (shakeel @ July 11 2003,11:13)]no i mean superset for the same bodypart?
It seems to me that you could rephrase Stud_From_Wsburg's question this way: "if I train every day, won't I damage my muscles faster than they can repair themselves?" The fact that muscles continue to repair themselves while they are trained doesn't mean they repair themselves to the point where they are 100 perecent as strong as the day before. True, if you're using submaximal weights, that's not such a big concern, but the closer you get to your maxes, wouldn't incomplete recovery become a problem?[b said:Quote[/b] (edziu @ July 11 2003,11:28)]Your concern stems from an outdated misunderstanding of how growth works. Your muscles are continuously reparing themselves, even while you are working out. A new session does not stop the previous repair work; it just adds more stimulus.[b said:Quote[/b] (Stud_From_Wsburg @ July 10 2003,8:15)]I use to always think this too, but what happens to the muscles? Do they have enough repair time? (In this case that edziu pointed out, the tris and bis are being worked 6 times a week.)
So long as you do not overdo it so much that you're causing damage faster than your muscles can repair it, frequent bouts merely keep the growth stimulus high at all times.