Speeding things up in the gym


New Member
So, in order to get my workout done in less than an hour, does it make sense to group lifts in threes or fours? For example, do a circuit of all the lifts at warmup weight and reps. Then, after a short rest, do the first working reps of, say, squats (or deads), incline BP, rows, and chins. Another short rest. Likewise group the other 3 or 4 lifts, rest, and repeat until all the reps have been completed for all the lifts.
When I was doing full body workouts I did what you suggest to great effect. It also proved to be a pretty good cardio workout too. Just do as you suggest and keep mindful of your rest periods so you stay focused on the weightlifting aspect rather than letting the cardio aspect compromise any of the lifts and you will be fine.
I often do my exercises in a circuit. I figure that chins and dips use a whole different set of muscles than squats or deadlifts. Rather than sit and stare for three minutes between sets of deadlifts, I'll go and do my chins. This tends to be a better use of my time.

Of course, you have to be aware of the constant drain on your CNS, especially towards the end of a cycle when you're working with near RM weights.