split bulk routine


New Member
I am finshing my SD this sunday and starting a bulk routine this Monday.

I plan on doing a split routine, lifting 4 days a week.

A (Mon, Thurs)
DB Incline Bench
Inner Grip Pulldowns
DB Shoulder Press
DB Lateral Raises (SS)
Calf Raises

B (Tues, Fri)
Wide Grip Pulldowns
BB Incline Bench
Stiff Legged Deads
BB Shoulder Press
BB Shrugs
Incline DB Curls
Skull Crushers

I plan on eating 500-800 cals over maintenance w/ no cardio.
Looks good jw

Just keep a close watch on the nutrition, if 800 is too much reduce slightly, but you should come out looking pretty good I guess.

Any cardio?
No cardio, I am not a fan of it AND winter is coming ;)
I'll start at 500 cals over maintenance and see if I need the bump to 800.
I am curious to see others thoughts on doing a split routine 2 times a week each routine, 4 times total a week.
Am I better off doing all 6 increments of weight to my RM (which would create a longer cycle than "normal") or should I just cut out days 1 & 2 of each routine for the 15s and 10s?
Hi there,

I generally alternate between 2 all body sessions ans just increment 3 times for each session to my RM, works just fine. You wouldn't want to cut out the first 2 sessions because you'd be reducing the overall change in load from lightest to heaviest weight over the course of the cycle.

Routine looks fine although you have dips as well as inclines in one session and you're doing them after your shoulder exercises...I assume therefore that you're doing them for triceps...personally I'd do them in one of your sessions instead of the inclines and do them as one of your first exercises (for chest), otherwise your front delts are getting a lot of work with the inclines and shoulder presses. You can substitute another triceps exercise (one arm dumbbell extension maybe?). Any reason why you're doing bicep work in one session and not the other?


i decided to mainly do compounds. i am going with isolations only on workout B to give a little more rest to the smaller muscles. i figure they will still get hit by the compounds anyhow.