split day routine question


New Member
ok so i just started HST this week and just finished my second workout. i rotate routines A and B every work out date. on both routines i do military press and crunches. since i am doing those on both routines i am getting to my 15rm on them before the rest of the exercises. is this right? will i just go on into 10rm with military press and crunches while everything else is still in the 15rm? or would i keep the same weight for them each week and does that go for the rest of the exercises that i do twice a week? i hope this is making sense. thanks.
Keep every exercise together within the same day of a mesocycle. For the presses and crunches, try sticking to a load for another day.
so your saying dont do it like this:

tues:A thurs:B sat:A tues:B etc..

and just do every exercise all 3 days a week?

When designing the HST cycle, for the xercises you do every time like the 2 you mention, the progression will be different from the others, which get progression only every other workout.

However, all exercises should be reaching the 15 RM together, review your program so that the design goes as I have mentioned. If you need a program that doesthis we can provide you with one!
thanks for the input. I was thinking about doing the full body workout all 3 days starting this next week since i just started. whats the reason for splitting up the workout to a/b and how is it different then doing the full body workout?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">oh and someone should ban Good for spamming his website all over the forums </div>

Yeah,I'll e-mail JV tomorrow from work, I'msure he'll be able to zap Good for good
Damn sucker got nothing better to do!