Split Routines


Am curious to know why some of you choose to incorporate split routines in your HST cycles (i.e. ABA) as opposed to one standard set of exercises?  I've done a split only once in 8 total cycles with poor results, albeit diet could've had an effect.  Obviously, a lot of us are here because we want to maximize muscle growth, so do you feel that split routines help to maximize hypertrophy?  Or are there other reasons such as reducing fatique/injury, keeping motivated, covering more muscle area, etc?
What kind of split are you talking about? Real upper/lower or push/pull splits? I am using a A/B routine but the same muscles are involved I just change the exercise (row/chin, bench/dip) to have some motivation and to confuse the muscles (just kidding
(electric @ Jun. 24 2008,6:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What kind of split are you talking about? Real upper/lower or push/pull splits? I am using a A/B routine but the same muscles are involved I just change the exercise (row/chin, bench/dip) to have some motivation and to confuse the muscles (just kidding  
Yeah, I should've clarified.  I meant split routines for like bodyparts...not splitting to hit different bodyparts which I can see as a way to manage time and/or fatigue (or simply not HST).  Your routine fits the description.  My muscles are way too smart to be confused  :-)
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Or are there other reasons such as reducing fatique/injury, keeping motivated, covering more muscle area, etc?</div>
Yes, there can be a lot of reasons for a split routine depending on your individual goals. First of all I would like to clarify that an A/B/A/B routine shouldn't be classified as a split routine if it still hits the entire body. For example, if you just alternate between bench/dips and/or chins/rows you are still doing full-body workouts. Many prefer to do that for the reasons you provided yourself.

Now, if it is a &quot;real&quot; split, like upper-lower or push-pull, the main purpose of these routines is to enable you to do more volume than what you would normally do with a classic 3x/week full-body setup.
(omega99 @ Jun. 24 2008,5:01)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Or are there other reasons such as reducing fatique/injury, keeping motivated, covering more muscle area, etc?</div>
Sometimes it is just a matter of time management. I work out at lunch and due to some recent policy changes I am going to have to reduce my gym time so I am looking at having to go to an upper/lower split to appease management