splitting chins and rows or both in same workout?


for the past 3 cycles i've been doing both pull ups and rows in the same workout. i was always taught that in order to build a balanced physique, for every vertical push movement aka shoulder press variations you should have a vertical pull movement aka pull up variations. same thing with horizontal push and horizontal pull movements. however, i've noticed that the majority of members on this forum seem to split rows and chins into different workouts...any particular reason why? during some of my workouts, i am doing deadlift, rows, and pull-ups...is this overkill? i seem to be recovering fine but am just wondering the rationale behind splitting the two exercises up and if this will lead to more gains...
during some of my workouts, i am doing deadlift, rows, and pull-ups...

Sometimes I find that, when the rows and weighted chins start to get heavy, it's a bit easier to make an A/B split. But hey, as long as you are able to keep it up, go for it.
I’ve also done like TR and split them sometimes. If you can recover from multiple days of back work then you will grow faster since you are stimulating those muscles to grow more often, but like TR said as long as you are able to keep it up.

Also something to note is that more and more often I’m reading that you should probably have more pulling movements than pushing movements since there are more and bigger muscles in your back to work than in your chest if you want true balance.