Spyke's HRT Log


New Member
I know alot of you are interested in my low testosterone situation so I am starting a log. I hope this helps some of you guys who may be in the same situation or just want to know more about it.

I went to the endo last thurs. He read all my bloodwork and basically said that there are 10% of the men who have low test and there is really no reason (like a pituitary problem or testical problem) for it. He said I was in that 10%. He sent me for a PSA blood test so that they have a baseline before I start hrt. Taking testosterone can make prostate problems worse so they keep an eye on it. Not a big concern for me at this point because I am only 34.

After the blood test he sent me home with a script for testosterone 200MG/ml which I was told to inject every 3 weeks. I filled it at my local Walgreens and the wife helped me inject. No pain and no problem. I had never injected anything before and really don't like needles.

The very next day I did the last workout in the 10's of this HST cycle. I was really dragging by the end.

Weekend went by and I spent it building a deck, may have had a bit more energy but it is hard to tell when you are busing your ass doing construction work for 15 hours each day.

Today I did the first workout in the 5's and just freakin tore up the weight room. There was more aggression in my workout and I felt like I could have lifted for another hour! They say the first injection takes about 3 days to kick in so it was probably the test.

There are anti aging clinics that will supply HGH, test, winstrol, etc to people with low test levels. It is totally legal. My Endo has me on a fairly low dose and it is every 3 weeks his goal for my test levels are around 400. The clinics will let you go up to 800-1000 which is the top for the normal range. They also have you inject every week which keeps the levels more constant. I am really considering going with the clinic at this point just for the test... not for all the other stuff they can get me
I have done my 2nd weekly injection of test e (150mg). Even though my endo only wanted me to inject every 3 weeks, I am doing it every week for now. I really think the endo just doesn't know that much about test replacement.

I have an appt this week with one of the top HRT docs in the country. He is located in another state but he will be able to set up the dosing of the test and put me on hcg which will keep my nuts fron shutting down and shrinking.

Workouts are stronger since I started. I have gained some water weight from the test I think because my wedding ring got real tight and I had to use dish soap to get it off.